Special Events / 特別項目 > Total Solar Eclipse of August 1st, 2008 | 2008 年 8 月 1 日之日全食 [Refresh 更新]

Quick info 快速資訊: Eclipse time at Hong Kong 香港可見日食時間 : 2008/08/01 18:43 - 19:01 HKT

Quick links 快速連結:
- Live webcast 網上直播 - Information about the eclipse 是次日食資料
- Local (HK) circumstances 本地 (香港) 情況 - Future solar eclipses 未來日食
- Solar eclipse basic knowledge 日食基礎知識 - Observing solar eclipses safely 如何安全觀看日食

Live webcast 網上直播 (Finished 已完結)

To facilitate viewing, no auto-refresh is provided on this page. Please use the refresh link near the top to refresh this page.
以免妨礙觀賞日食直播,本頁不設自動更新。請利用本頁頂部的 "更新" 連結來重新整理本頁面。

(Above) Video provided by the Exploratorium, USA at Yiwu, Xinjiang | (上面) 影像由美國舊金山探索館於新疆伊吾提供
Maximum eclipse near 11:08 UTC (19:08 HKT) in the above video | 以上直播之全食時間約在 11:08 世界協調時 (香港時間 19:08)

Broadcast times 直播時間:
Telescope-only 只有影像 (right 右) : 18:00 - 20:15 HKT
Program 附旁白直播 (left 左) : 18:30 - 19:30 HKT


Information about the eclipse 是次日食資料

A central total solar eclipse will be visible within a narrow path along the northern hemisphere on August 1st 2008. The umbral shadow of the moon will move from northern Canada to Greenland, then to Russia and finally into northern China, and will conclude near Zhengzhou, China. Although the path of totality is extremely narrow, most parts of Europe and Asia will still be able to enjoy partial eclipse on that day.

在 2008 年 8 月 1 日,加拿大北部、格陵蘭、俄羅斯和中國北部將可看到一次日全食。從加拿大起,月球的本影區域將掃過北冰洋進入亞洲,再進入中國地域,最後在鄭州一帶結束。當天歐洲和亞洲大部分地區均可見到不同程度的日偏食。

See also "notes" below for explanation - 請亦參見下面"備註"

Notes about the map above 上圖備註:
There are three pink vertical lines near Hong Kong. From left to right they represent:
上圖近香港有三條粉紅色直線,它們的意思如下 :
Leftmost 最左邊 : Eclipse finishes at Sunset 日食於日落時完結
Middle 中間 : Maximum eclipse at Sunset 最大食分於日落時發生
Rightmost 最右邊 : Eclipse starts at Sunset (i.e. not visible) 日食於日落時開始 (即看不到日食的任何過程)

The following shows some general details about the eclipse:

下表列出是次日食的一般性資料 :

Time in UTC/HKT (all times are on 2008/08/01)
在 2008 年 8 月 1 日的時間 (世界協調時 / 香港時間)
P1 - Penumbral cone starts to strike Earth (partial eclipse on Earth starts)
P1 - 半影區到達地球 (日偏食開始)
08:04:07 / 16:04:07
U1 - Umbral cone starts to strike Earth (total eclipse on Earth starts)
U1 - 本影區到達地球 (日全食開始)
09:21:07 / 17:21:07

U2 - Umbral cone fully strikes Earth
U2 - 整個本影區到達地球

09:24:10 / 17:24:10

U3 - Umbral cone starts to leave Earth
U3 - 本影區開始離開地球

11:18:30 / 19:18:30
U4 - Umbral cone fully leaves Earth (total eclipse on Earth ends)
U4 - 整個本影區離開地球 (日全食結束)
11:21:28 / 19:21:28
P4 - Penumbral cone fully leaves Earth (partial eclipse on Earth ends)
P4 - 整個半影區離開地球 (日偏食結束)
12:38:28 / 20:38:28
Information at greatest eclipse
最長全食時資料 (亦即日食中心線,其可見日全食時間為全程最長)
Location 位置 65°38.8' N, 72°16.4' E (inside Russia 在俄國境內)
Time 時間 10:21:08 UTC / 18:21:08 HKT
Magnitude 食分 1.0394
Duration of totality 全食持續時間 2' 27.2"
Width of totality 全食徑寬度 236.9 km 公里
Solar Altitude and Azimuth 該位置的太陽高度和方位角 Altitude 高度: 33.5° ; Azimuth 方位角: 235.2° (SW 西南)

Note that unlike lunar eclipse, not all places experience these times as the moon moves across the sky (and so does its shadow). They serve to show the times at which there exists at least a location on Earth that can experience those events.


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Local (HK) circumstances 本地 (香港) 情況

Hong Kong will be able to experience a partial eclipse near sunset as shown in the image and animation below:

香港將可於近日落時見到一次日偏食 (帶食日落):

The details are summarized in the following table (atmospheric refraction unaccounted for):

詳細資料整理如下 (未計算大氣折射) :

Event for Hong Kong
Time in HKT on 2008/08/01
2008 年 8 月 1 日香港時間
Solar Altitude and Azimuth
First contact (partial eclipse starts)
第一次接觸 (日偏食開始)
18:43 Altitude 高度 : 3.8°
Azimuth 方位角 : 287.9° (WNW 西北偏西)
Sunset (partial eclipse ends)
日落 (日偏食結束)
19:01* Altitude 高度 : 0.0°
Azimuth 方位角 : 289.6° (WNW 西北偏西)
Information at greatest magnitude for Hong Kong
Type 類型 Partial 日偏食
Time 時間 19:01 HKT
Direction of shadow 月球影子方向 Entering from the Sun's right hand side 由太陽的右方進入
Magnitude 食分 0.343
Obscuration 掩蓋面積比 0.23

*If atmospheric refraction is accounted for, the eclipse will officially end at 19:04 HKT when the Sun is 0.83 degrees below horizon.

*如果大氣折射計算在內,日食將於 19:04 HKT 正式完結 (當太陽在地平線下 0.83 度時)。

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Future solar eclipses 未來日食

Solar eclipses in the next five years (click on the date to see the eclipse path):

未來五年的日食資料 (請按下日期以觀看日食路徑) :

Date (UTC)
日期 (世界協調時)
Eclipse type
Eclipse type at HK
Magnitude at HK and time
2009/01/26 Annular 日環食 Partial 日偏食 0.381 ; 18:02:52 HKT
2009/07/22 Total 日全食 Partial 日偏食 0.748 ; 09:25:44 HKT
2010/01/15 Annular 日環食 Partial 日偏食 0.674 ; 16:54:13 HKT
2010/07/11 Total 日全食 --- ---
2011/01/04 Partial 日偏食 --- ---
2011/06/01 Partial 日偏食 --- ---
2011/07/01 Partial 日偏食 --- ---
2011/11/25 Partial 日偏食 --- ---
2012/05/20 Annular 日環食 Annular 日環食 0.932 ; 05/21 06:08:28 HKT
2012/11/13 Total 日全食 --- ---
2013/05/10 Annular 日環食 --- ---
2013/11/03 Hybrid 日全環食 --- ---

Hong Kong will experience large-scale partial eclipses in 2009, 2010 and a rare annular event in 2012.

香港將可於 2009 和 2010 年見到兩次大型偏食,更可以於 2012 年一睹罕見的日環食。

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Solar eclipse basic knowledge 日食基礎知識

The following information is quoted from Wikipedia. 以下資料摘自維基百科

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth so that the Sun is wholly or partially obscured. This can only happen during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from the Earth. At least two and up to five solar eclipses occur each year on Earth, with between zero and two of them being total eclipses. Total solar eclipses are nevertheless rare at any location because during each eclipse totality exists only along a narrow corridor in the relatively tiny area of the Moon's umbra.


There are four types of solar eclipses:



English version: for the geometry involved and activities during solar eclipse, please read the Wikipedia article.

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Observing solar eclipses safely 如何安全觀看日食

The following information is quoted from Wikipedia. 以下資料 (除最後一段) 摘自維基百科

Looking directly at the photosphere of the Sun (the bright disk of the Sun itself), even for just a few seconds, can cause permanent damage to the retina of the eye, because of the intense visible and invisible radiation that the photosphere emits. This damage can result in permanent impairment of vision, up to and including blindness. The retina has no sensitivity to pain, and the effects of retinal damage may not appear for hours, so there is no warning that injury is occurring. Sunglasses are not safe, since they do not block the harmful and invisible infrared radiation which causes retinal damage. Only properly designed and certified solar filters should ever be used for direct viewing of the Sun's disk.

The safest way to view the Sun's disk is by indirect projection. This can be done by projecting an image of the disk onto a white piece of paper or card using a pair of binoculars (with one of the lenses covered), a telescope, or another piece of cardboard with a small hole in it (about 1 mm diameter), often called a pinhole camera. The projected image of the Sun can then be safely viewed; this technique can be used to observe sunspots, as well as eclipses. However, care must be taken to ensure that no one looks through the projector (telescope, pinhole, etc.) directly.

Eclipse glasses 觀看日食專用眼鏡

It is safe to observe the total phase of a solar eclipse directly with the unaided eye, binoculars or a telescope, when the Sun's photosphere is completely covered by the Moon; indeed, this is a very spectacular and beautiful sight, and it is too dim to be seen through filters. The Sun's faint corona will be visible, and even the chromosphere, solar prominences, and possibly even a solar flare may be seen. However, it is important to stop directly viewing the Sun promptly at the end of totality. The exact time and duration of totality for the location from which the eclipse is being observed should be determined from a reliable source.



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Eclipse times and information are based on Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC. NASA's solar eclipse page: here.

Last Accessed 最近訪問日期: Tue Sep 17 2024 04:18:46 HKT
Last Modified 最近修訂日期: Mon Jul 24 2023