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2014 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉

The Poll 關於是次選舉

This is the seventh annual "Astronomical, Geographic and Meteorological Events of the Year" election held by Hong Kong Weather Watch (HKWW). 39 astronomical, geographic and meteorological events during 2014 were selected and members of the public could cast their votes on up to 13 incidents (i.e. one-third) that, in their opinions, were the most significant. Apart from the 39 selected events, voters could also make use of the "Others" column to suggest some other events that were not on the list.

In addition to HKWW, eight other meteorological websites also participated in the election by including a link to the voting page in their sites. They include (in alphabetical order):

We would like to thank the above websites for their support in this event, and HKSON for creating the banner for this election.

這是香港天氣觀測站第七年舉辦年度天文、地理及氣象大事選舉。我們於 2014 年發生的天文、地理及氣象事件中挑選出 39 件大事以供投選,而投票人士最多可選出 13 項 (即三份之一) 他們認為該年裡最重要的事件。除了已挑選出來的 39 項事件外,投票者亦可利用 "其他" 一欄來投選不在表中的事件。除本站外,還有 8 個與氣象相關的網站參與本選舉,它們均在站內放進投票頁的超連結。該 8 個網站分別為 (以英文字母排序) :

本站在此對上述參與網站致以謝意,亦感謝 HKSON 製作是次選舉所用的橫幅。

Voting Period 投票期

In this year (2014)'s election, the voting period lasted for 22 days; it commenced at 00:00 HKT on 1st January, 2015 and concluded at 23:59 HKT on 22nd January, 2015.

2014 年天文、地理及氣象大事選舉的投票期由 2015 年 1 月 1 日 香港時間 00:00 至 2015 年 1 月 22 日 香港時間 23:59,為期 22 天。

The 39 Selected Events in This Year's Poll 本年所選出的 39 項事件

Please visit here for the events in chronological order.

請按這裡以瀏覽該 39 項事件 (按時間先後排序)。

Results of the Election 選舉結果

In this year's election, one vote go to "Others" column, and is shown in a separate table below. 在本次選舉中,"其他" 一欄共佔一票,詳情請見下表。

Number of voters 投票人數 : 107
Total number of events selected1 總事件選擇數1: 1,048
Average number of events selected per person 人均事件選擇數 : 9.79

In the table below, events are listed in chronological order should ties occur. 在下表中,如某些事件名次得票相同,它們將以發生時間順序排列。

The 39 selected events listed in the voting page: 投票頁顯示之 39 件事件 : [Click here for bar chart (Chinese only) 按此顯示棒形圖]

Two events, the passage of Typhoon KALMAEGI and the intense rainstorm in March, attracted much attention at that time and they received the highest number of votes. They are followed by the passage of Typhoon RAMMASUN in July, which necessitated a Strong Wind Signal. 颱風海鷗來襲及 3 月的一場大雨於當時受廣泛關注,分別成為得票最多的頭兩項事件,而第三位則是 7 月颱風威馬遜橫過南海並影響本港。

# of votes

9月15日: 熱帶氣旋海鷗來襲,天文台發出本年唯一一個八號烈風及暴風信號。海鷗風圈之廣使這八號信號成為數十年來距離香港最遠的一個。由於其移速高,天文台於其進入本港 800 公里範圍前發出一號戒備信號,是 25 年以來首次。

Sep 15: Tropical cyclone Kalmaegi affected the territory and the only #8 Gale or Storm Signal this year was issued. Due to its wide wind radius, Kalmaegi became the storm farthest away from Hong Kong that necessitated the #8 Signal in decades. Its high speed prompted the Observatory to issue the #1 Standby Signal before it came to within 800 km from the territory, the first time in 25 years.

100 93.46

3月30日: 一低壓槽橫過本港,當天傍晚多區下起傾盆大雨,廣泛地區於數小時間錄得超過 100 毫米雨量。天文台於晚上 9 至 10 時錄得雨量 56 毫米,打破三月份的最高時雨量紀錄,期間所發出的黑色暴雨警告是自該系統推出以來首次於 3 月份發出。大雨及冰雹造成多處水浸及破壞,較觸目的有又一城商場天花漏水成室內瀑布。冰雹於 4 月 2 日再度來襲,主要影響新界北部。

Mar 30: A trough of low pressure passed through the territory, leading to torrential rain in the evening. Many places saw more than 100 mm of rainfall in a couple of hours. The HK Observatory recorded 56 mm of rain between 9 and 10 pm, breaking the hourly record in March. The Black Rainstorm Warning issued was also the first occurrence since the inception of the rainfall warning system. The rain and hail resulted in widespread flooding and damage; a notable incident was the roof damage at Festival Walk which literally rendered the shopping mall an indoor waterfall. Hail was once observed on April 2, this time mainly affecting northern New Territories.

98 91.59

7月18日: 熱帶氣旋威馬遜橫過南海,天文台發出三號強風信號。威馬遜當天最接近香港,於本港西南約 390 公里掠過。威馬遜於登陸海南前加強為超強颱風,而此前風暴橫過菲律賓中部,造成超過 100 人死亡。

Jul 18: Tropical cyclone Rammasun crossed South China Sea; the Observatory issued the #3 Strong Wind Signal. Rammasun was closest to Hong Kong that day, passing at around 390 km southwest of the territory. Rammasun intensified into a super typhoon before making landfall at Hainan. The storm crossed central Philippines earlier, resulting in more than 100 deaths.

67 62.62

8月: 西北太平洋本月異常平靜,除由中太平洋移入的熱帶氣旋 Genevieve 外,並沒有熱帶氣旋於西北太平洋形成,打破紀錄。

Aug: The northwest Pacific Ocean was unusually quiet. Except for Genevieve which moved in from central Pacific, there was no tropical cyclone genesis within northwestern Pacific, setting another record.

62 57.94

11月8日: 熱帶氣旋鸚鵡的殘餘增強,成為一股強勁的溫帶氣旋,其中心氣壓跌至約 920 百帕,創下該區最強溫帶氣旋的紀錄。它使北美出現阻塞高壓,導致 11 月 18 日美國各州均出現零度以下低溫。

Nov 8: The remnants of tropical cyclone Nuri intensified again, becoming a powerful extratropical cyclone. It reached a central pressure of 920 hPa, the lowest on record in that area. It also resulted in a blocking high over northern America, leading to freezing temperatures being recorded in every US state on November 18.

60 56.07

2月12日: 一股強烈東北季候風影響本港,天文台於本日錄得最低氣溫 7.3 度,是自 1996 年以來二月份的最低紀錄,而 2 月 14 日最低亦只得 8.2 度,成為有紀錄以來最寒冷的情人節暨元宵節。

Feb 12: An intense surge of northeast monsoon affected Hong Kong. The minimum temperature of 7.3 degrees that day was the lowest in February since 1996. The mercury dipped to 8.2 degrees on February 14, making it the coldest Valentine's Day cum Lantern Festival on record.

56 52.34

4月1日: 天文台推出九天天氣預報服務,將天氣預報的時效由七天延長至九天。

Apr 1: The Observatory extended their weather forecast period from 7 days to 9 days.

51 47.66

8月12日: 受低壓槽及相關的西南季候風增強所影響,本港有大雨及雷暴,天文台於 24 小時內三度發出紅色暴雨警告,而鴨脷洲以南海面於當天黃昏出現水龍捲。

Aug 12: Under the influence of a trough of low pressure and the associated strengthening southwest monsoon, heavy rain and thunderstorms were observed in Hong Kong. The Observatory issued the Red Rainstorm Warning three times in 24 hours. A waterspout was spotted that day over the seas south of Ap Lei Chau.

51 47.66

10月3日: 香港受不穩定天氣影響,石壁一帶當天出現水龍捲,這是自 1980 年以來首次於 10 月發生。

Oct 3: Unstable weather affected Hong Kong and a waterspout was spotted near Shek Pik that day, the first in October since 1980.

43 40.19

6月: 本月平均氣溫為破六月紀錄的 29.0 度,而七月的 29.8 度亦破該月紀錄,使這夏季 (6 至 8 月) 成為有史以來最炎熱的一個,平均氣溫為 29.3 度。而 9 月的平均氣溫 29.0 度亦平了紀錄。

Jun: The average temperature of this month reached 29.0 degrees, the hottest June since records began. The monthly average temperature record was broken again in July, at 29.8 degrees. This eventually resulted in this summer (June to August) being the hottest on record, with an average temperature of 29.3 degrees. At 29.0 degrees, this September was also one of the hottest.

39 36.45

1月27日: 大欖涌水塘附近發生一次 1.8 級地震,部分市民有感,這是自 1995 年來首次於本港境內發生地震。

Jan 27: An earthquake of magnitude 1.8 occurred near Tai Lam Chung Reservoir and was felt by some residents. This was the first local earthquake since 1995.

37 34.58

1月7日: 因北極渦旋南壓,美加受寒流影響,紐約中央公園於 1 月 7 日錄得破當日紀錄的 -16 度低溫,尼亞加拉瀑布結冰。

Jan 7: As the polar vortex dipped south, snowstorms hit Canada and the United States. The minimum temperature recorded at Central Park in New York was -16 degrees on January 7, the coldest for that day on record. The Niagara falls became frozen during the cold snap.

37 34.58

8月7日: 熱帶氣旋 Genevieve 進入西太平洋,是 11 年來首個熱帶氣旋橫跨東、中及西太平洋海域。同日,熱帶氣旋 Iselle 登陸夏威夷島,成為有史以來登陸該島的最強熱帶氣旋。

Aug 7: Tropical cyclone Genevieve entered western Pacific Ocean, becoming the first storm to traverse eastern, central and western Pacific basins in 11 years. On the same day, tropical cyclone Iselle impacted Hawaii island. It was the strongest tropical cyclone to make landfall there in recorded history.

36 33.64

6月14日: 熱帶氣旋海貝思逼近,天文台發出本年首個一號戒備信號。此前,受乾燥大陸氣流影響,本港相對濕度普遍跌至百分之 50 以下,天文台於 13 日發出紅色火災危險警告,是有紀錄以來首次於 6 月發出。

Jun 14: The Observatory issued the first #1 Standby Signal this year as tropical cyclone Hagibis approached. Before that, Hong Kong was affected by a dry continental airstream. The relative humidity at many places fell to below 50%, and the Red Fire Danger Warning was issued on June 13. This marked the first issuance of this warning in June.

35 32.71

12月6日: 熱帶氣旋黑格比較早時增強成五級超級颱風,其後減弱並於當天登陸菲律賓。黑格比移速較慢,用了兩天才通過菲律賓,但其造成的傷亡及破壞相對較少。

Dec 6: After strengthening into a category 5 super typhoon earlier, tropical cyclone Hagupit weakened and made landfall at the Philippines that day. It moved slowly and spent two days in the country, but the death toll and damage caused were relatively mild.

31 28.97

10-11月: 熱帶氣旋黃蜂及鸚鵡均增強為五級超級颱風,聯合颱風警報中心估計其風速達 155 節,使它們連同 12 月的黑格比成為本年最猛烈的熱帶氣旋。

Oct-Nov: Tropical cyclones Vongfong and Nuri reached category 5 super typhoon strength. The estimated intensity by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center was 155 knots, making them (together with Hagupit in December) the strongest tropical cyclones this year.

26 24.30

10月8日: 當天出現一次月全食,亞洲大部分地區包括香港可見。本港經歷帶食月出,初段雲層較厚,但仍然可見暗紅月亮。

Oct 8: A total lunar eclipse took place and was visible in much of Asia including Hong Kong. Locally, the eclipse was in progress at moonrise. Clouds were thicker at the beginning, but a dark, red moon could still be seen.

23 21.50

5月25日: 熱帶氣旋 Amanda 於墨西哥西南方的東太平洋加強為四級颶風,成為該海域有史以來五月份的最猛烈颶風。

May 25: Tropical cyclone Amanda intensified to category 4 in the eastern Pacific Ocean southwest of Mexico, becoming the strongest May hurricane on record in that basin.

18 16.82

11月12日: 經過 10 年的飛行,太空探測器羅塞塔號所攜帶的菲萊登陸器成功登陸楚留莫夫-格拉希門克彗星,成為有史以來第一個在彗星上的成功受控登陸的探測器。

Nov 12: After 10 years of voyage, the space probe Rosetta landed the Philae probe on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This was the first time a spacecraft landed on a comet.

18 16.82

6月24日: 東京一帶出現強對流活動,多處下起冰雹,部分地區地面更被大量冰粒覆蓋。

Jun 24: Strong convective activities led to hailstorm in Tokyo and adjacent areas. Some places were covered by a layer of ice pellets.

17 15.89

12月17日: 於啟德跑道公園的自動氣象站啟用,為市民提供該區的實時溫度資訊。

Dec 17: The automatic weather station at the Kai Tak Runway Park came into service, providing real-time temperature information to the public.

17 15.89

9月27日: 日本御嶽山發生火山爆發,造成 57 人死亡,是自 1902 年鳥島火山噴發以來日本死亡人數最多的火山爆發。

Sep 27: Japan's Mount Ontake volcano erupted, leading to 57 deaths. This was the deadliest Japanese volcano eruption since the one at Torishima in 1902.

14 13.08

2月9日: 暴雪侵襲日本,東京降雪達 27 厘米,與暴雪相關的意外導致至少 11 人死亡。

Feb 9: Tokyo recorded 27 cm of snowfall as a blizzard struck Japan. At least 11 people perished due to snow-related accidents.

11 10.28

5月16日: 歐洲東南部受風暴影響出現水災,災情以塞爾維亞和波斯尼亞最為嚴重,雨量創 120 年來新高,水災於多國造成最少 86 人死亡。

May 16: Storm-induced floods affected southeastern Europe, with worst floods in Serbia and Bosnia. Rainfall measurements surpassed 120-year records; the floods resulted in at least 86 deaths in several countries.

10 9.35

2月12日: 英國受冬季風暴吹襲,廣泛地區出現水浸,而當天吹襲的風暴最為嚴重,對英國南及西部影響較大。

Feb 12: Winter storms resulted in widespread flooding in the United Kingdom. The most intense storm struck the country that day. Southern and western parts of the country were the hardest hit.

9 8.41

4月18日: 珠穆朗瑪峰發生雪崩,造成 13 名尼泊爾嚮導死亡 (另 3 人失蹤),是珠峰有史以來導致最多人死亡的單一意外。

Apr 18: An avalanche occurred on Mount Everest, resulting in the death of 13 Nepalese guides and another 3 went missing. This was the deadliest accident in Mount Everest's history.

9 8.41

8月20日: 日本廣島縣一帶因豪雨導致泥石流,造成超過 70 人死亡。

Aug 20: Following episodes of heavy rain, landslides occurred in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, resulting in more than 70 deaths.

9 8.41

12月10日: 一股冬季風暴席捲美國西岸,加州首當其衝,三藩市多處停電,洛杉磯更出現龍捲風,是十年來首次。

Dec 10: A winter storm struck US west coast, impacting California and adjacent areas. Some households in San Francisco were left without power, and tornadoes were observed in Los Angeles, the first in ten years.

9 8.41

12月: 受季候風影響,南亞包括泰國、印尼、菲律賓及馬來西亞等國出現水災,數以十萬計民眾需撤離至安全地方。

Dec: Monsoon-induced floods affected various southeastern Asian countries including Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated.

9 8.41

10月12日: 熱帶氣旋 Hudhud 以四級颱風強度登陸印度東岸,造成超過 100 人死亡,經濟損失達 110 億美元,成為登陸印度氣旋中最具破壞力的一個。

Oct 12: Cyclone Hudhud made landfall at eastern India at category 4 strength, resulting in more than 100 deaths and damage in excess of 11 billion USD. Hudhud became the most destructive tropical cyclone to ever hit India.

8 7.48

4月1日: 智利西北部海域近伊基克發生 8.2 級地震,並引發海嘯,兩日後發生一次達 7.7 級餘震。此次地震造成 6 人死亡。

Apr 1: An 8.2 magnitude earthquake occurred off Chile's northwestern coast near the city of Iquique, inducing a tsunami and an aftershock of magnitude 7.7 two days later. 6 people died in the earthquake.

7 6.54

10月17日: 熱帶氣旋 Gonzalo 登陸百慕達,成為 11 年來登陸該地的最強熱帶氣旋。數日後,其殘餘趨向英國及愛爾蘭,於當地造成 3 人死亡。

Oct 17: Tropical cyclone Gonzalo made landfall at Bermuda, becoming the strongest in 11 years to strike the territory. Its remnants approached the United Kingdom and Ireland several days later, causing 3 deaths.

6 5.61

11月27日: 澳洲東岸發生近 30 年來最嚴重的風災,造成 39 人受傷。 布里斯班出現每小時 141 公里的陣風,並伴隨大驟雨及冰雹,估計整體損失達到 10 億澳元。

Nov 27: The worst storm in almost 30 years struck eastern Australia, injuring 39. The wind gust at Brisbane reached 141 km/h, accompanied by intense showers and hail. Estimated damages were in the region of 1 billion Australian dollars.

6 5.61

8月24日: 美國加州納帕縣發生 6.0 級地震,是 25 年來三藩市灣區經歷的最嚴重地震。地震造成 1 死約 200 傷,經濟損失達數億美元。

Aug 24: A 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck Napa, California. It was the strongest earthquake to strike San Francisco Bay Area in 25 years. The earthquake resulted in 1 death and around 200 injuries; economic losses were estimated at several hundred million US dollars.

4 3.74

5月2日: 阿富汗巴達赫尚省因大雨導致山泥傾瀉,造成至少 350 人死亡,超過 2,000 人失蹤,相信被塌下的泥土掩埋。

May 2: A mudslide occurred in Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, killing at least 350 with another 2,000 went missing, presumably buried under the mud.

3 2.80

5月30日: 印尼東部桑吉昂火山爆發,火山灰向東南方向移至澳洲北部,影響當地航班升降。

May 30: The Sangeang Api volcano in eastern Indonesia erupted. The volcanic ashes moved southeast into northern Australia, disrupting flights.

3 2.80

8月3日: 雲南昭通市魯甸縣發生黎克特制 6.5 級地震,造成 617 人死亡,超過 3,000 人受傷。

Aug 3: A magnitude 6.5 earthquake killed 617 people and injured more than 3,000 in Ludian County, Yunnan, China.

3 2.80

9月: 克什米爾區域月初受季候風伴隨的大雨侵襲,巴基斯坦及印度北部多處出現洪災,兩國共有 500 多人喪命。

Sep: Heavy monsoon rains and flash floods affected the Kashmir region. More than 500 people perished in northern Pakistan and India.

3 2.80

5月24日: 愛琴海北部發生 6.9 級地震,希臘及土耳其部分地區受災,共造成 324 人受傷。

May 24: A magnitude 6.9 earthquake occurred in northern Aegean Sea with damage reported in Greece and Turkey. A total of 324 people were injured.

2 1.87

Vote(s) for "Others" column: "其他" 欄所填寫之項目

# of votes

12月: 熱帶風暴薔薇於 2014 年 12 月 28 日形成,並於 2015 年 1 月 1 日才減弱為低壓區,成為 2000 - 2001 年蘇力以來西北太平洋首個跨年熱帶氣旋。[註: 香港天文台於 1 月 1 日零時 45 分的天氣報告中表示薔薇已於 31 日晚減弱為低壓區]

Dec: Tropical storm JANGMI developed on December 28, 2014. It weakened into an area of low pressure on January 1, 2015, becoming the first tropical cyclone in the NW Pacific to have its lifetime span across two calendar years since SOULIK in 2000-01. [Note: The HKO mentioned in its weather report at 12:45 am January 1 that JANGMI had weakened into an area of low pressure the previous night.]


Notes 備註 :

1Each person can select up to 13 events per submission, and can submit only once. Votes in "Others" category have been included. 每人每次可最多投選 13 項事件;每人只可投票一次。投選 "其他" 一欄的票數已計算在內。
2Percentage of total voters. 佔總投票人數的百分比。
3Wordings may be changed to facilitate reading, but the meaning stays the same. Invalid statements, statements whose validity is unknown and those not interpretable are indicated with a question mark. 為方便閱讀,字眼稍作更改,但意義不變。不正確 / 準確度不明 / 未能理解的描述以問號標示。

Resources for the Top Three Events 首三名事件有關資源

Here we provide links to the resources related to the top three events in this election. 在這裡我們提供有關選舉中獲得首三名的事件之資料。

[Rank #1 第一位] Typhoon KALMAEGI crosses South China Sea, necessitating the #8 Gale or Storm Signal in Hong Kong | 颱風海鷗橫過南海,天文台發出八號烈風或暴風信號
[Rank #2 第二位] Torrential rain necessitates first Black Rainstorm Warning in March and results in widespread damage | 大雨襲港造成廣泛破壞,黑色暴雨警告首度於三月發出
[Rank #3 第三位] Super Typhoon RAMMASUN threatens southern China | 超強颱風威馬遜威脅華南地區

Finally, we would like to thank all voters for their participation, who together contributed to its success. See you next year!


Image Acknowledgement 相片來源

The following lists the sources of images used in our banner for the election. They are (from left to right):

本年選舉橫幅採用了以下圖片 (由左至右):

Last Accessed 最近訪問日期: Sun Sep 08 2024 11:28:19 HKT
Last Modified 最近修訂日期: Mon Jul 24 2023