Astronomical Info / 天文資訊 > Special Astronomical Events / 特別天文事件 > Transit of Mercury on May 9th, 2016 | 2016 年 5 月 9 日之水星凌日 [Refresh 更新]

Quick info 快速資訊: Transit times 19:12 to 02:42 HKT the next day; event not visible in Hong Kong. 凌日時間為香港時間 19:12 至翌日 02:42,於香港不可見。

Quick links 快速連結:
- Live webcast 網上直播 - Information about the transit 是次凌日資料
- Local (HK) circumstances 本地 (香港) 情況 - Future transits of inferior planets 未來內行星凌日

The transit has ended. 凌日已結束。

Live webcast 網上直播

Please click on the links below for live webcast. All links redirect you to external websites and open in new windows. 請按下列連結以觀看網上直播;所有連結連至第三者網站並以新視窗開啟。

Provider 提供者 Video feed 視頻
- Slooh
- Sky and Telescope
- Universitat de Barcelona N/A 不適用

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Information about the transit 是次凌日資料

Transit of Mercury occurs when Mercury is directly between the Sun and the Earth. There are on average 13 such transits per century, much more frequent than transits of Venus, the only other inferior planet with respect to the Earth. Currently, transits of Mercury can only happen in May or November, with May transits being the rarer of the two. The last transit of Mercury occurred in 2006, while the previous May transit was in 2003.

The times of the transit are more or less the same across the globe. Weather permitting, the event can be observed from anywhere on Earth with the Sun above the horizon during that time frame. Mercury will appear as a tiny dot on the solar disk, the size of which is around 1/158 of the angular diameter of the Sun. It is therefore impossible to observe the transit without proper telescope magnification. Global visibility of the transit is listed as follows.

A map of global visibility is provided below.

水星凌日於水星處於地球及太陽之間的時候發生。每 100 年平均會出現 13 次水星凌日,頻率比另一內行星 --- 金星 --- 的凌日為高。現時水星凌日只能於 5 或 11 月出現,其中以 5 月較為少見。對上一次水星凌日於 2006 年發生,而對上一次於 5 月的水星凌日則於 2003 年發生。

世界各地凌日的時間大致相同。如天氣許可,凌日時太陽於地平線以上的地區均可看到。在太陽圓盤上,水星將為一非常細小的黑點,角直徑約為太陽的 1/158 ,如無適當放大倍數的望遠鏡是不能看到水星凌日的。本次凌日各地可見情況如下:


Global Visibility Map of the Transit of Mercury on May 9, 2016
2016 年 5 月 9 日水星凌日全球可見區域圖


Transit Times and Map of Mercury across the Solar Disk* (Add 8 hours to the times shown to obtain HKT)
凌日時間及水星經過太陽圓盤的位置* (如欲轉換至香港時間,請於上述時間加 8 小時)

*Times applicable to observer at Earth's centre. Due to parallax, exact times for any place on Earth's surface may differ from the above by 2 minutes.
*適用於在地心的觀測者。由於視差關係,地表各地之時間可與地心時間相差達 2 分鐘。

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Local (HK) circumstances 本地 (香港) 情況

This transit is not visible in Hong Kong. For observers at other locations, please use appropriate solar filters as would be required when observing sunspots.


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Future transits of inferior planets 未來內行星凌日

The next transit of Mercury will occur in 2019, but is not visible in Hong Kong. Observers in Hong Kong will have to wait until at least 2032 to see such transit.

下一次水星凌日將於 2019 年發生,但於香港不可見。下一次香港可見的水星凌日將於 2032 年發生。

Transit of Mercury in the next 30 years 未來 30 年的水星凌日
Date (UTC)
日期 (世界協調時)
Time of greatest transit (UTC)
食甚時間 (世界協調時)
Visibility at HK
2019/11/11 15:20 Whole process invisible 整個過程不可見
2032/11/13 08:54 Transit at sunset (after half) 凌日於日落進行中 (食甚後)
2039/11/07 08:46 Transit at sunset (after half) 凌日於日落進行中 (食甚後)
Detailed catalogue 詳細目錄:

Transit of Venus in the next 300 years 未來 300 年的金星凌日
Date (UTC)
日期 (世界協調時)
Time of greatest transit (UTC)
食甚時間 (世界協調時)
Visibility at HK
2117/12/11 02:48 Whole process visible 整個過程可見
2125/12/08 16:01 Whole process invisible 整個過程不可見
2247/06/11 11:33 Transit at sunset (before half) 凌日於日落進行中 (食甚前)
2255/06/09 04:38 Whole process visible 整個過程可見
Detailed catalogue 詳細目錄:

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Transit times and information are based on Transit Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC and NASA's transit page: here.

Last Accessed 最近訪問日期: Sun Sep 08 2024 11:49:03 HKT
Last Modified 最近修訂日期: Mon Jul 24 2023