Astronomical Info / 天文資訊 > Special Astronomical Events / 特別天文事件 > Annular Solar Eclipse of May 21st, 2012 | 2012 年 5 月 21 日之日環食 [Refresh 更新]

Quick info 快速資訊: Eclipse time at Hong Kong 香港可見日食時間 : 2012/05/21 05:41 - 07:16 HKT

Quick links 快速連結:
- Live webcast 網上直播 - Information about the eclipse 是次日食資料
- Local (HK) circumstances 本地 (香港) 情況 - Circumstances for major cities 各大城市日食概況
- Future solar eclipses 未來日食 - Solar eclipse knowledge, figures and Q&A 日食知識、數字和問答
- Solar eclipse calculator 日食計算機
Live webcast 網上直播

Please click on the links below for live webcast. All links redirect you to external websites and open in new windows. Additional links may be added during the eclipse. 請按下列連結以觀看網上直播。所有連結連至第三者網站並以新視窗開啟,而日食進行期間我們可能會增添直播連結。

Provider 提供者 Notes 備註

- HK Observatory & HK Space Museum 香港天文台及香港太空館 (Still image 靜態影像)

- HK Observatory & HK Space Museum 香港天文台及香港太空館 (Video stream 串流)

Location 地點 : Hong Kong 香港

- Hong Kong Astronomical Society 香港天文學會
- Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre 可觀自然教育中心暨天文館
- 臺北天文館

Location 地點 : Taipei, Taiwan 台灣台北 [Other sites 其他轉播點]

- 台灣中央氣象局

Location 地點 : Taiwan 台灣 [Additional Information 附加資料]

- Slooh Space Camera

Location 地點 : Japan 日本 / United States 美國

- Panasonic

Location 地點 : Mt. Fuji, Japan 日本富士山

- Sommers–Bausch Observatory

Location 地點 : Boulder, Colorado, United States 美國科羅拉多州博爾德市

Eclipse time 日食時間: 08:22 - 10:14 HKT

- UStream - Scottys Sky

Location 地點 : Nevada, United States 美國內華達州

Eclipse Simulation 日食模擬
- Global Solar Eclipse Simulation 全球日食模擬

This simulation, provided by HKWW, presents to you the local conditions at cities in the eclipse zone during the eclipse. The page is set to refresh once every ten minutes but images are redrawn minute-by-minute. Press F5 to refresh your screen manually.

該日食模擬由本站提供,顯示全球可見日食地區的太陽 / 月球之相對位置。該頁每 10 分鐘重新整理一次,但圖像則於每分鐘更新;請按 F5 鍵以手動重新整理頁面。

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Information about the eclipse 是次日食資料

This is the first central solar eclipse since 2010, which will be annular. The path of annularity starts from southern Guangxi as the sun rises there at around 22:06 UTC on May 20 (06:06 HKT, May 21). The moon's antumbral shadow then moves northeastward, traversing southeastern China (including Hong Kong) and northern Taiwan. It continues to create annular eclipse in southern Japan and then enters northern Pacific Ocean. Greatest eclipse will occur just south of the Aleutian Islands at around 23:52 UTC (07:52 HKT). After that, the antumbra bends towards the southeast, continuing its journey across the Pacific. It reaches the western US coast near the California-Oregon border at 01:25 UTC (09:25 HKT), after which it speeds southeast and leaves Earth at around 01:35 UTC (09:35 HKT) as western Texas sees sunset. Outside the path of annularity, partial eclipse will be observable in a much wider region, including all of East Asia, Southeast Asia and most parts of North America but excluding the eastern US coast.

This eclipse belongs to Saros 128, which produced an annular eclipse visible in southeastern Hong Kong in 1958. That was also the last annular eclipse to visit Hong Kong before this event.

這是自 2010 年來的首次中心食,並為一日環食。環食徑隨廣西南部於 5 月 20 日 22:06 UTC (5 月 21 日 06:06 HKT) 日出而開始。月球的偽本影繼而向東北移動,橫過華南 (包括香港) 和台灣北部。稍後影區到達日本南部,並繼續移入太平洋北部。最大食將於 23:52 UTC (07:52 HKT) 發生,月影當時處於阿留申群島以南。隨後環食帶轉向東南移,越過太平洋東部,並於約 01:25 UTC (09:25 HKT) 登陸美國西岸近加州和俄勒岡州州界。偽本影這時移速漸增,掠過美國數個州份後於約 01:35 UTC (09:35 HKT) 隨德州西部日落而離開地球,而日環食亦於這裡結束。環食帶外的廣闊地方可見偏食,包括整個東亞、東南亞和北美洲大部分地區,但不包括美國東岸。

本日食屬沙羅序列 128 號。此序列於 1958 年的環食於香港東南部可見;該次亦是香港對上一次可見的日環食。

The following shows some general details about the eclipse:

下表列出是次日食的一般性資料 :

Eclipse series and characteristics
Saros series number 沙羅序列號碼 128 (occurring at Moon's descending node 降交點日食)
Member in the series 序列中次數 58 out of 73 | 73 次中的第 58 次
Gamma 伽馬數 0.4827 earth radii 地球半徑
Time in UTC/HKT
世界協調時 / 香港時間
P1 - Penumbral cone starts to strike Earth (partial eclipse on Earth starts)
P1 - 半影區到達地球 (日偏食開始)
05/20 20:56:07 / 05/21 04:56:07
U1 - Antumbra starts to strike Earth (annular eclipse on Earth starts)
U1 - 偽本影區到達地球 (日環食開始)
05/20 22:06:16 / 05/21 06:06:16

U2 - Antumbra fully strikes Earth
U2 - 整個偽本影區到達地球

05/20 22:11:46 / 05/21 06:11:46

U3 - Antumbra starts to leave Earth
U3 - 偽本影區開始離開地球

05/21 01:33:42 / 09:33:42
U4 - Antumbra fully leaves Earth (annular eclipse on Earth ends)
U4 - 整個偽本影區離開地球 (日環食結束)
05/21 01:39:11 / 09:39:11
P4 - Penumbral cone fully leaves Earth (partial eclipse on Earth ends)
P4 - 整個半影區離開地球 (日偏食結束)
05/21 02:49:21 / 10:49:21
Information at greatest eclipse
最長環食時資料 (亦即最大食地點,其可見日環食時間為全程最長)
Location 位置 49°05.3' N, 176°16.8' E (in N Pacific Ocean 在太平洋)
Time 時間 05/20 23:52:46 UTC / 05/21 07:52:46 HKT
Magnitude 食分 0.9439
Duration of annularity 環食持續時間 5' 46.4"
Width of annularity 環食徑寬度 236.9 km 公里
Solar Altitude and Azimuth 該位置的太陽高度和方位角 Altitude 高度: 60.9° ; Azimuth 方位角: 171.0° (S 南)

Note that unlike lunar eclipse, not all places experience these times as the moon moves across the sky (and so does its shadow). They are meant to be interpreted globally.


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Local (HK) circumstances 本地 (香港) 情況

This is the only annular eclipse visible in Hong Kong in this century. The eclipse will already be in partial stage as the sun rises in the morning, and annular eclipse starts about 25 minutes after sunrise. Annularity will last for around 3.5 minutes, and the whole eclipse will end at 7:16 a.m., still very early in the morning.

Due to the large magnitude, observers in Hong Kong should encounter a drop in light intensity soon after sunrise. Nevertheless, the sky will not turn very dark since the Sun will never be fully obscured during the eclipse. As the sun is rather close to the horizon, this eclipse is only visible in places not obscured to the east-northeast.

The next annular solar eclipse visible in Hong Kong will take place in 2320.

這次將是香港於本世紀唯一一次可見的日環食。當天將為帶食日出,約 25 分鐘後環食開始。日環食將維持 3.5 分鐘,而整個日食過程將於上午 7 時 16 分完結。由於食分頗大,當天日出後日光應會略為轉暗;但由於太陽並未完全被月球遮蓋,天色將不會非常暗。是次日食太陽接近地平線,因而只能於東北偏東未被遮蔽的地方可見。

下一次可於香港看到的日環食將於 2320 年發生。

Local Circumstances

Local Circumstances

The details are summarized in the following table:

詳細資料整理如下 :

Event for Hong Kong
Time in HKT on 2012/05/21
2012 年 5 月 21 日香港時間
Solar Altitude and Azimuth
Sunrise (partial eclipse in progress)
日出 (日偏食進行中)
05:41 Altitude 高度 : -1°
Azimuth 方位角 : 068° (ENE 東北偏東)
Second contact (annular eclipse starts)
食既 (日環食開始)
06:07 Altitude 高度 : 5°
Azimuth 方位角 : 070° (ENE 東北偏東)
Greatest eclipse
06:08 Altitude 高度 : 5°
Azimuth 方位角 : 070° (ENE 東北偏東)
Third contact (annular eclipse ends)
生光 (日環食結束)
06:10 Altitude 高度 : 5°
Azimuth 方位角 : 070° (ENE 東北偏東)
Fourth contact (partial eclipse ends)
復圓 (日偏食結束)
07:16 Altitude 高度 : 20°
Azimuth 方位角 : 076° (ENE 東北偏東)
Information at greatest magnitude for Hong Kong
Type 類型 Annular 日環食
Time 時間 06:08 HKT
Direction of shadow 月球影子方向 Entering from the Sun's top right hand side, leaving from bottom left hand side 由太陽右上方進入,左下方離開
Magnitude 食分 0.932
Obscuration 掩蓋面積比 0.869

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Circumstances for major cities 各大城市日食概況

The path of annularity passes through the following major countries/regions (countries/regions where the path only briefly passes through are not included):

環食帶經過以下主要國家及地區 (不包含食帶只剛剛擦過的地方) :

The following table lists the circumstances for major cities where eclipse can be observed:

下表顯示各大可觀是次日食城市的概況 :

This eclipse will occur on May 20 in North American time zones, but May 21 in Hong Kong Time. Hence the first lines in the cells below (HKT) are times on May 21, while the second lines (local time) could be for May 20 or May 21, depending on whether the region is to the east or west of the international date line. The time zone for Hong Kong is GMT+8 hours. 是次日食於北美時間 5 月 20 日發生,但香港時間則為 5 月 21 日,因此下表中每格第一行 (香港時間) 均為 5 月 21 日時間,但次行 (當地時間) 則可能為 5 月 20 或 21 日時間,視乎該地位處國際換日線以東或以西。香港的時區為東八區。

Time zone
Eclipse starts/Sunrise
Central starts
Max eclipse
Central ends
Eclipse ends/Sunset
GE alt
GE azi
Central duration
Urumqi (China)
烏魯木齊 (中國)
+8 hr 06:38:04 R
[06:38:04 R]
--- 06:45:57
--- 07:36:07
0.4° 61.8° 0.417 0.296 ---
Lhasa (China)
拉薩 (中國)
+8 hr 06:59:29 R
[06:59:29 R]
--- --- --- 07:23:30
-0.8° 66.1° 0.350 0.231 ---
Yangon (Myanmar)
仰光 (緬甸)
+6.5 hr 07:02:48 R
[05:32:48 R]
--- --- --- 07:10:52
-0.8° 68.6° 0.126 0.052 ---
Bangkok (Thailand)
曼谷 (泰國)
+7 hr 06:49:30 R
[05:49:30 R]
--- --- --- 07:06:26
-0.8° 68.9° 0.259 0.149 ---
Hanoi (Vietnam)
河內 (越南)
+7 hr 06:16:51 R
[05:16:51 R]
--- --- --- 07:13:38
-0.8° 67.9° 0.855 0.791 ---
Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)
胡志明市 (越南)
+7 hr 06:30:25 R
[05:30:25 R]
--- --- --- 07:01:14
-0.8° 69.2° 0.441 0.320 ---
Kunming (China)
昆明 (中國)
+8 hr 06:22:10 R
[06:22:10 R]
--- --- --- 07:18:07
-0.8° 67.2° 0.799 0.726 ---
Chongqing (China)
重慶 (中國)
+8 hr 05:57:57 R
[05:57:57 R]
--- 06:19:30
--- 07:23:41
3.5° 68.7° 0.775 0.698 ---
Nanning (China)
南寧 (中國)
+8 hr 06:03:42 R
[06:03:42 R]
--- 06:10:54
--- 07:15:54
0.7° 68.3° 0.926 0.865 ---
Zhanjiang (China)
湛江 (中國)
+8 hr 05:58:23 R
[05:58:23 R]
06:06:25 A
[06:06:25 A]
06:10:34 A
[06:10:34 A]
1.4° 68.8° 0.931 0.867 4 min 9 sec
Haikou (China)
海口 (中國)
+8 hr 06:00:39 R
[06:00:39 R]
--- 06:07:12
--- 07:12:37
0.6° 68.7° 0.927 0.866 ---
Guangzhou (China)
廣州 (中國)
+8 hr 05:43:32 R
[05:43:32 R]
06:07:29 A
[06:07:29 A]
06:11:54 A
[06:11:54 A]
4.8° 70.0° 0.932 0.869 4 min 25 sec
Hong Kong (China)
香港 (中國)
+8 hr 05:41:19 R
[05:41:19 R]
06:06:45 A
[06:06:45 A]
06:10:13 A
[06:10:13 A]
5.0° 70.2° 0.932 0.869 3 min 28 sec
Xiamen (China)
廈門 (中國)
+8 hr 05:21:40 R
[05:21:40 R]
06:08:14 A
[06:08:14 A]
06:12:34 A
[06:12:34 A]
9.6° 72.1° 0.933 0.871 4 min 20 sec
Changsha (China)
長沙 (中國)
+8 hr 05:35:16 R
[05:35:16 R]
--- 06:16:04
--- 07:23:56
7.5° 71.1° 0.853 0.791 ---
Wuhan (China)
武漢 (中國)
+8 hr 05:24:56 R
[05:24:56 R]
--- 06:19:02
--- 07:27:44
10.0° 72.4° 0.819 0.750 ---
Xi'an (China)
西安 (中國)
+8 hr 05:38:26 R
[05:38:26 R]
--- 06:25:08
--- 07:30:05
8.1° 71.0° 0.707 0.617 ---
Shanghai (China)
上海 (中國)
+8 hr 05:15:04
--- 06:19:43
--- 07:33:11
16.3° 75.9° 0.870 0.811 ---
Beijing (China)
北京 (中國)
+8 hr 05:31:27
--- 06:33:10
--- 07:41:50
16.9° 77.5° 0.670 0.575 ---
Harbin (China)
哈爾濱 (中國)
+8 hr 05:39:15
--- 06:45:46
--- 08:00:00
27.3° 88.4° 0.658 0.562 ---
Taipei (Taiwan)
台北 (台灣)
+8 hr 05:07:12
06:09:56 A
[06:09:56 A]
06:11:55 A
[06:11:55 A]
12.9° 73.5° 0.934 0.873 1 min 58 sec
Kaohsiung (Taiwan)
高雄 (台灣)
+8 hr 05:14:08 R
[05:14:08 R]
--- 06:08:15
--- 07:19:49
10.9° 72.5° 0.900 0.844 ---
Manila (Philippines)
馬尼拉 (菲律賓)
+8 hr 05:27:01 R
[05:27:01 R]
--- 05:58:39
--- 07:06:07
6.3° 70.7° 0.705 0.615 ---
Busan (S Korea)
釜山 (南韓)
+9 hr 05:18:39
--- 06:27:38
--- 07:46:48
24.9° 82.0° 0.868 0.810 ---
Seoul (S Korea)
首爾 (南韓)
+9 hr 05:23:15
--- 06:31:05
--- 07:48:18
24.2° 82.4° 0.803 0.733 ---
Pyongyang (N Korea)
平壤 (北韓)
+9 hr 05:26:09
--- 06:33:13
--- 07:49:11
23.9° 82.7° 0.766 0.689 ---
Vladivostok (Russia)
海參崴 (俄羅斯)
+11 hr 05:32:54
--- 06:43:20
--- 08:03:06
30.7° 90.3° 0.750 0.670 ---
Naha (Japan)
那霸 (日本)
+9 hr 05:06:20
--- 06:12:59
--- 07:29:57
18.9° 76.2° 0.900 0.845 ---
Kagoshima (Japan)
鹿兒島 (日本)
+9 hr 05:12:46
06:19:59 A
[07:19:59 A]
06:24:17 A
[07:24:17 A]
24.4° 80.4° 0.937 0.878 4 min 18 sec
Hiroshima (Japan)
廣島 (日本)
+9 hr 05:16:47
--- 06:27:38
--- 07:49:34
27.5° 83.4° 0.918 0.865 ---
Osaka (Japan)
大阪 (日本)
+9 hr 05:17:08
06:28:27 A
[07:28:27 A]
06:31:13 A
[07:31:13 A]
30.5° 85.4° 0.938 0.880 2 min 46 sec
Nagoya (Japan)
名古屋 (日本)
+9 hr 05:17:57
06:29:43 A
[07:29:43 A]
06:33:24 A
[07:33:24 A]
32.1° 86.7° 0.939 0.881 3 min 41 sec
Tokyo (Japan)
東京 (日本)
+9 hr 05:19:04
06:31:59 A
[07:31:59 A]
06:37:03 A
[07:37:03 A]
35.0° 89.0° 0.939 0.882 5 min 4 sec
Niigata (Japan)
新潟 (日本)
+9 hr 05:22:52
--- 06:38:08
--- 08:05:28
35.2° 90.8° 0.916 0.865 ---
Sapporo (Japan)
札幌 (日本)
+9 hr 05:33:04
--- 06:49:46
--- 08:17:33
38.7° 98.2° 0.839 0.777 ---
Anchorage (AK, USA)
安克雷奇 (美國)
-8 hr 07:16:58
--- 08:37:48
--- 09:53:45
40.3° 232.9° 0.676 0.583 ---
Barrow (AK, USA)
巴羅 (美國)
-8 hr 07:13:13
--- 08:21:12
--- 09:27:33
36.1° 214.7° 0.482 0.364 ---
Vancouver (Canada)
溫哥華 (加拿大)
-7 hr 07:58:41
--- 09:14:54
--- 10:23:16
23.9° 273.7° 0.800 0.729 ---
Calgary (Canada)
卡加利 (加拿大)
-6 hr 08:03:56
--- 09:13:58
--- 10:17:43
18.5° 279.5° 0.706 0.617 ---
Winnipeg (Canada)
溫尼伯 (加拿大)
-5 hr 08:13:08
--- 09:14:16
--- 10:10:58
7.8° 292.3° 0.614 0.510 ---
Toronto (Canada)
多倫多 (加拿大)
-4 hr 08:19:22
--- --- --- 08:41:49 S
[20:41:49 S]
-0.8° 299.5° 0.319 0.201 ---
Ottawa (Canada)
渥太華 (加拿大)
-4 hr 08:17:12
--- --- --- 08:32:43 S
[20:32:43 S]
-0.8° 300.5° 0.218 0.116 ---
Seattle (WA, USA)
西雅圖 (美國)
-7 hr 08:01:34
--- 09:17:49
--- 10:25:58
22.8° 275.5° 0.827 0.762 ---
San Francisco (CA, USA)
三藩市 (美國)
-7 hr 08:15:51
--- 09:32:39
--- 10:39:55
18.7° 281.5° 0.897 0.842 ---
Los Angeles (CA, USA)
洛杉磯 (美國)
-7 hr 08:24:58
--- 09:38:15
--- 10:42:40
13.4° 285.5° 0.847 0.784 ---
Reno (NV, USA)
雷諾 (美國)
-7 hr 08:15:16
09:28:29 A
[18:28:29 A]
09:32:54 A
[18:32:54 A]
17.5° 282.2° 0.936 0.875 4 min 25 sec
Las Vegas (NV, USA)
拉斯維加斯 (美國)
-7 hr 08:23:32
--- 09:35:40
--- 10:39:33
12.1° 286.4° 0.919 0.864 ---
Salt Lake City (UT, USA)
鹽湖城 (美國)
-6 hr 08:18:42
--- 09:29:25
--- 10:32:44
12.1° 286.4° 0.889 0.832 ---
Phoenix (AZ, USA)
鳳凰城 (美國)
-7 hr 08:28:57
--- 09:38:46
--- 10:25:45 S
[19:25:45 S]
8.3° 288.9° 0.886 0.828 ---
Denver (CO, USA)
丹佛 (美國)
-6 hr 08:22:52
--- 09:29:49
--- 10:12:55 S
[20:12:55 S]
6.7° 290.8° 0.855 0.793 ---
Albuquerque (NM, USA)
阿爾伯克基 (美國)
-6 hr 08:28:22
09:33:37 A
[19:33:37 A]
09:38:03 A
[19:38:03 A]
10:07:47 S
[20:07:47 S]
5.2° 291.2° 0.933 0.870 4 min 26 sec
Minneapolis (MN, USA)
明尼亞波利斯 (美國)
-5 hr 08:19:04
--- 09:19:32
--- 09:41:44 S
[20:41:44 S]
2.6° 296.3° 0.671 0.575 ---
Dallas (TX, USA)
達拉斯 (美國)
-5 hr 08:31:57
--- --- --- 09:23:05 S
[20:23:05 S]
-0.8° 294.9° 0.777 0.699 ---
Houston (TX, USA)
侯斯頓 (美國)
-5 hr 08:35:06
--- --- --- 09:11:05 S
[20:11:05 S]
-0.8° 294.0° 0.550 0.438 ---
Chicago (IL, USA)
芝加哥 (美國)
-5 hr 08:22:06
--- --- --- 09:09:36 S
[20:09:36 S]
-0.8° 298.5° 0.634 0.532 ---
Detroit (MI, USA)
底特律 (美國)
-4 hr 08:21:07
--- --- --- 08:52:34 S
[20:52:34 S]
-0.8° 298.8° 0.445 0.325 ---
Memphis (TN, USA)
孟菲斯 (美國)
-5 hr 08:28:43
--- --- --- 09:01:32 S
[20:01:32 S]
-0.8° 295.7° 0.501 0.383 ---
New Orleans (LA, USA)
新奧爾良 (美國)
-5 hr 08:33:41
--- --- --- 08:50:12 S
[19:50:12 S]
-0.8° 294.0° 0.257 0.148 ---
Mexico City (Mexico)
墨西哥城 (墨西哥)
-5 hr 08:48:12
--- --- --- 09:06:52 S
[20:06:52 S]
-0.8° 291.8° 0.263 0.153 ---

Notes 備註 :

  1. A solar eclipse always starts as partial eclipse starts or at sunrise, and always ends as partial eclipse finishes or at sunset. 日食必會於日出或初虧時開始,而於日落或復圓時結束。
  2. Time of maximum eclipse is not shown if the place can only see less than half of the eclipse; such places must experience maximum eclipse at sunrise or sunset. 如某地只見到少於一半日食過程,食甚時間必為日出或日落,因此不再另外顯示。
  3. For each time, the first line refers to HKT and the second line local time; daylight saving has been accounted for. 首行時間為香港時間;次行時間為當地時間 (已包含日光節約時間)
  4. Abbreviations: "R" = Sunrise; "A" = Annular eclipse; "T" = Total eclipse; "S" = Sunset. 縮寫 : "R" = 日出; "A" = 環食; "T" = 全食; "S" = 日落。
  5. Central eclipse refers to totality or annularity. 中心食即全食或環食階段。

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Future solar eclipses 未來日食

Solar eclipses in the next five years (click on the date to see the eclipse path):

未來五年的日食資料 (請按下日期以觀看日食路徑) :

Date (UTC)
日期 (世界協調時)
Eclipse type
Eclipse type at HK
Magnitude at HK and time
2012/11/13 Total 日全食 --- ---
2013/05/10 Annular 日環食 --- ---
2013/11/03 Hybrid 日全環食 --- ---
2014/04/29 Annular 日環食 --- ---
2014/10/23 Partial 日偏食 --- ---
2015/03/20 Total 日全食 --- ---
2015/09/13 Partial 日偏食 --- ---
2016/03/09 Total 日全食 Partial 日偏食 0.332 ; 08:58 HKT
2016/09/01 Annular 日環食 --- ---
2017/02/26 Annular 日環食 --- ---

The next solar eclipse visible in Hong Kong occurs in 2016 and will be partial in the territory.

香港於 2016 年可見一次日偏食。

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Solar eclipse knowledge, figures and Q&A 日食知識、數字和問答

The following links open in new windows. 以下連結於新頁開啟。

Solar eclipse calculator 日食計算機

Our site now features a solar eclipse calculator that allows user to compute eclipse visibility information for any place on Earth. Please click on the link below to use this utility. 本站現已設立一日食計算機,各位可利用它來計算出地球上某地可觀看的日食資料。請按以下連結以使用該計算機。

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Eclipse times and information are based on Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC. NASA's solar eclipse page: here.

Last Accessed 最近訪問日期: Sun Sep 08 2024 11:44:32 HKT
Last Modified 最近修訂日期: Mon Jul 24 2023