TC Watch / 熱帶氣旋 > Selected TC Review / 重要熱帶氣旋回顧 > 201420W (NURI 鸚鵡) [Refresh 更新]

201420W (NURI 鸚鵡) - Profile 檔案

(Issued on December 8, 2014)
(於 2014 年 12 月 8 日發出)

Brief profile of NURI 鸚鵡小檔案:

JTWC number 聯合颱風警報中心 (JTWC) 號碼 20W
International number 國際編號 1420
Period of existence 生存時期 (JTWC) 2014/10/31 02 HKT - 2014/11/06 20 HKT
Lifetime 壽命 (JTWC) 6.75 days 日
Maximum 1-minute wind (JTWC) JTWC 一分鐘平均最高中心風速 155 knots 節 (Category 5 Super Typhoon 五級超級颱風)
Minimum pressure (JTWC) JTWC 最低氣壓 907 hPa 百帕
Highest TC signal by HKO (if applicable)
N/A 不適用
Closest point of approach by HKO (if applicable)
香港天文台所示之最接近距離 (如適用)
N/A 不適用
Time of closest approach by HKO (if applicable)
香港天文台所示之最接近時間 (如適用)
N/A 不適用
Lowest pressure recorded at HKO (if applicable)
香港天文台錄得的最低氣壓 (如適用)
N/A 不適用

TC track from HKWW 本站的熱帶氣旋路徑圖:

TC Track

Past HKWW Bulletins on NURI 本站有關鸚鵡的發佈

Please click here for bulletins on NURI. 請按這裡

Storm Summary 氣旋摘要

Unless otherwise stated, all times below are in Hong Kong Standard Time (UTC+8)
除非特別註明,下文時間均為香港標準時間 (協調世界時加 8 小時)

NURI developed as tropical depression 20W north of Yap on October 31. At the time of its formation, a broad subtropical ridge was dominating areas north of 20W, causing the storm to move WNW. However, a mid-latitude trough was expected to weaken the ridge significantly, leading to a poleward turn.

20W strengthened quickly and was upgraded to tropical storm by the JMA on the same day, and was named NURI. NURI took advantage of the almost non-existent vertical wind shear and very warm sea temperatures. It intensified into a severe tropical storm in the morning of November 1. A weakness developed within the ridge; NURI slowed down appreciably and started to turn northward that afternoon. The storm maintained very wide spiraling bands as a central dense overcast appeared. NURI was upgraded into a typhoon that night, and its eye became clearer on satellite images on November 2.

As NURI travelled north along the weakness of the ridge, it enjoyed very favourable upper level divergence channels and this allowed the storm to intensify quickly. Its central dense overcast had very low cloud top temperatures (-80°N); as its eye warmed, agencies revised their estimated strengths upward. The JTWC upgraded NURI into a super typhoon that night, with an estimated intensity of 130 knots (241 km/h). This was increased to 155 knots (287 km/h) six hours later, matching the strength attained by VONGFONG almost a month ago.

The ridge strengthened at low latitudes on November 3. NURI responded by recurving to the northeast. The JTWC maintained its category 5 status, but it was apparent that its eyewall had warmed and a weakening trend was imminent. NURI weakened into category 4 on November 4 as it encountered cooler seas. Upper-level conditions deteriorated and NURI weakened steadily in the next two days, still travelling northeast. NURI eventually entered the baroclinic zone and gradually lost its tropical characteristics. It became an extratropical cyclone between November 6 and November 7 with wind speeds still close to that of a typhoon.

熱帶低氣壓 20W 於 10 月 31 日在雅蒲島以北形成,當時其北部正被副熱帶高壓脊覆蓋,因此 20W 向西北偏西移動,但預料一道西風槽將令副高明顯減弱,使風暴轉向。

20W 增強速度頗快,同日被日本氣象廳升格為熱帶風暴,並被命名為鸚鵡。受惠於近乎零垂直風切變及十分溫暖的海水,鸚鵡於 11 月 1 日早上增強為強烈熱帶風暴。由於副高開始出現弱點,鸚鵡於當天下午明顯減速併北轉。它的螺旋雲帶非常廣闊,而隨著一中心密集雲區形成,鸚鵡於當晚增強為颱風,翌日風眼於衛星雲圖上漸趨清晰。

鸚鵡北上時該區高層輻散通道良好,令它快速增強。它的中心密集雲區雲頂溫度達 -80 度;隨著風眼變暖,各機構將其估計強度提高。聯合颱風警報中心於 2 日晚將鸚鵡升格為超級颱風,其風速估計達 130 節 (每小時 241 公里),並於六小時後調升至 155 節 (每小時 287 公里),等同接近一個月前黃蜂達到的強度。

副高於 3 日在較低緯度增強,鸚鵡隨即向東北轉向。雖然它維持五級超級颱風強度,但其眼牆溫度已有所提升,風暴呈減弱趨勢。受較冷海溫影響,鸚鵡於 4 日減弱至四級颱風;高層大氣環境轉差令鸚鵡於隨後兩天穩定減弱,而風暴繼續向東北移動。鸚鵡最後進入斜壓區域,逐漸失去其熱帶特性,並於 6 至 7 日轉化為溫帶氣旋,當時風速仍接近颱風級數。

Figures 圖片

Figure 1 - Colour-enhanced infrared imagery on November 2, showing NURI's extremely low eyewall cloud top temperatures
圖 1 - 11 月 2 日之色調強化紅外線衛星雲圖,顯示鸚鵡眼牆雲頂溫度極低

Figure 2 - Estimated wind field at 8 am November 3
圖 2 - 11 月 3 日上午 8 時之估算風場圖

Figure 3 - Forecast tracks from different agencies on November 3
圖 3 - 11 月 3 日之各氣象台預測路徑圖

Figure 4 - Some wind barbs near NURI's centre reached 60 knots during extratropical transition
圖 4 - 鸚鵡轉化為溫帶氣旋時,部分風羽
顯示風速達 60 節

Other Data 其他數據

Table 1: Track data from HKWW:
表一 : 香港天氣觀測站之路徑資料

YYMMDDZZ Lat Long Wind
14103018 122N1380E 025
14103100 124N1372E 030
14103106 126N1363E 035
14103112 129N1353E 040
14103118 131N1344E 045
14110100 130N1340E 055
14110106 133N1334E 055
14110112 140N1335E 060
14110118 150N1331E 075
14110200 154N1328E 095
14110206 163N1327E 120
14110212 172N1325E 130
14110218 178N1323E 145
14110300 184N1325E 145
14110306 190N1329E 145
14110312 198N1335E 140
14110318 206N1342E 135
14110400 213N1350E 130
14110406 222N1355E 125
14110412 230N1361E 115
14110418 239N1368E 105
14110500 246N1373E 100
14110506 256N1381E 090
14110512 264N1389E 085
14110518 272N1396E 075
14110600 281N1401E 065

Table 2: Track data from JTWC:
表二 : 聯合颱風警報中心之路徑資料

ID       Name  YYMMDD ZZZZ  Lat    Long   Basin Wind Pres
20W       NURI 141106 1200  31.9N  144.3E WPAC   50   985
20W NURI 141106 0600 30.4N 142.0E WPAC 50 985
20W NURI 141106 0600 30.4N 142.0E WPAC 50 985
20W NURI 141106 0000 28.2N 140.1E WPAC 55 982
20W NURI 141106 0000 28.2N 140.1E WPAC 55 982
20W NURI 141105 1800 27.2N 139.3E WPAC 75 967
20W NURI 141105 1800 27.2N 139.3E WPAC 75 967
20W NURI 141105 1800 27.2N 139.3E WPAC 75 967
20W NURI 141105 1200 26.5N 138.7E WPAC 80 963
20W NURI 141105 1200 26.5N 138.7E WPAC 80 963
20W NURI 141105 1200 26.5N 138.7E WPAC 80 963
20W NURI 141105 0600 25.7N 138.1E WPAC 90 956
20W NURI 141105 0600 25.7N 138.1E WPAC 90 956
20W NURI 141105 0600 25.7N 138.1E WPAC 90 956
20W NURI 141105 0000 24.7N 137.4E WPAC 100 948
20W NURI 141105 0000 24.7N 137.4E WPAC 100 948
20W NURI 141105 0000 24.7N 137.4E WPAC 100 948
20W NURI 141104 1800 23.9N 136.8E WPAC 105 944
20W NURI 141104 1800 23.9N 136.8E WPAC 105 944
20W NURI 141104 1800 23.9N 136.8E WPAC 105 944
20W NURI 141104 1200 23.1N 136.3E WPAC 120 933
20W NURI 141104 1200 23.1N 136.3E WPAC 120 933
20W NURI 141104 1200 23.1N 136.3E WPAC 120 933
20W NURI 141104 0600 22.1N 135.5E WPAC 125 929
20W NURI 141104 0600 22.1N 135.5E WPAC 125 929
20W NURI 141104 0600 22.1N 135.5E WPAC 125 929
20W NURI 141104 0000 21.3N 135.0E WPAC 130 926
20W NURI 141104 0000 21.3N 135.0E WPAC 130 926
20W NURI 141104 0000 21.3N 135.0E WPAC 130 926
20W NURI 141103 1800 20.5N 134.3E WPAC 145 914
20W NURI 141103 1800 20.5N 134.3E WPAC 145 914
20W NURI 141103 1800 20.5N 134.3E WPAC 145 914
20W NURI 141103 1200 19.8N 133.6E WPAC 150 911
20W NURI 141103 1200 19.8N 133.6E WPAC 150 911
20W NURI 141103 1200 19.8N 133.6E WPAC 150 911
20W NURI 141103 0600 19.0N 132.9E WPAC 155 907
20W NURI 141103 0600 19.0N 132.9E WPAC 155 907
20W NURI 141103 0600 19.0N 132.9E WPAC 155 907
20W NURI 141103 0000 18.5N 132.6E WPAC 155 907
20W NURI 141103 0000 18.5N 132.6E WPAC 155 907
20W NURI 141103 0000 18.5N 132.6E WPAC 155 907
20W NURI 141102 1800 17.9N 132.5E WPAC 155 907
20W NURI 141102 1800 17.9N 132.5E WPAC 155 907
20W NURI 141102 1800 17.9N 132.5E WPAC 155 907
20W NURI 141102 1200 17.2N 132.5E WPAC 135 922
20W NURI 141102 1200 17.2N 132.5E WPAC 135 922
20W NURI 141102 1200 17.2N 132.5E WPAC 135 922
20W NURI 141102 0600 16.2N 132.7E WPAC 120 933
20W NURI 141102 0600 16.2N 132.7E WPAC 120 933
20W NURI 141102 0600 16.2N 132.7E WPAC 120 933
20W NURI 141102 0000 15.5N 132.8E WPAC 95 952
20W NURI 141102 0000 15.5N 132.8E WPAC 95 952
20W NURI 141102 0000 15.5N 132.8E WPAC 95 952
20W NURI 141101 1800 14.9N 133.1E WPAC 75 967
20W NURI 141101 1800 14.9N 133.1E WPAC 75 967
20W NURI 141101 1800 14.9N 133.1E WPAC 75 967
20W NURI 141101 1200 14.2N 133.6E WPAC 65 974
20W NURI 141101 1200 14.2N 133.6E WPAC 65 974
20W NURI 141101 0600 13.5N 133.8E WPAC 55 982
20W NURI 141101 0600 13.5N 133.8E WPAC 55 982
20W NURI 141101 0000 13.1N 134.1E WPAC 55 982
20W NURI 141101 0000 13.1N 134.1E WPAC 55 982
20W NURI 141031 1800 12.9N 134.6E WPAC 45 989
20W NURI 141031 1200 12.8N 135.4E WPAC 35 996
20W NURI 141031 0600 12.6N 136.4E WPAC 30 1000
20W NURI 141031 0000 12.7N 137.2E WPAC 30 1000
20W NURI 141030 1800 12.8N 137.9E WPAC 25 1004
20W NURI 141030 1200 12.9N 138.6E WPAC 20 1005
20W NURI 141030 0600 12.8N 139.6E WPAC 20 1005
20W NURI 141030 0000 12.6N 141.3E WPAC 15 1008
20W NURI 141029 1800 12.6N 142.1E WPAC 15 1010
20W NURI 141029 1200 12.5N 142.8E WPAC 15 1008
20W NURI 141029 0600 12.4N 143.6E WPAC 15 1008

Last Accessed 最近訪問日期: Sun Sep 08 2024 12:39:09 HKT
Last Modified 最近修訂日期: Mon Jul 24 2023