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201419W (VONGFONG 黃蜂) - Profile 檔案

(Issued on December 7, 2014)
(於 2014 年 12 月 7 日發出)

Brief profile of VONGFONG 黃蜂小檔案:

JTWC number 聯合颱風警報中心 (JTWC) 號碼 19W
International number 國際編號 1419
Period of existence 生存時期 (JTWC) 2014/10/02 20 HKT - 2014/10/14 08 HKT
Lifetime 壽命 (JTWC) 11.50 days 日
Maximum 1-minute wind (JTWC) JTWC 一分鐘平均最高中心風速 155 knots 節 (Category 5 Super Typhoon 五級超級颱風)
Minimum pressure (JTWC) JTWC 最低氣壓 907 hPa 百帕
Highest TC signal by HKO (if applicable)
N/A 不適用
Closest point of approach by HKO (if applicable)
香港天文台所示之最接近距離 (如適用)
N/A 不適用
Time of closest approach by HKO (if applicable)
香港天文台所示之最接近時間 (如適用)
N/A 不適用
Lowest pressure recorded at HKO (if applicable)
香港天文台錄得的最低氣壓 (如適用)
N/A 不適用

TC track from HKWW 本站的熱帶氣旋路徑圖:

TC Track

Past HKWW Bulletins on VONGFONG 本站有關黃蜂的發佈

Please click here for bulletins on VONGFONG. 請按這裡

Storm Summary 氣旋摘要

Unless otherwise stated, all times below are in Hong Kong Standard Time (UTC+8)
除非特別註明,下文時間均為香港標準時間 (協調世界時加 8 小時)

Tropical depression 19W developed near Pohnpei on October 2, originating as a tropical wave. It intensified into a tropical storm on October 3, and was named VONGFONG that night. VONGFONG moved WNW steadily along the southwestern periphery of a subtropical ridge. The storm was expected to move across very warm seas as tropical cyclone activity had been rather limited in that region, and hence it was generally believed that VONGFONG could reach significant strength.

VONGFONG intensified into a typhoon on October 5 when an eye appeared to be forming. It approached Guam later that day, and became slightly disorganized due to poorer upper-level environment. Nevertheless, as conditions improved again on October 7, VONGFONG deepened rapidly as it turned westward. A clear eye became visible on satellite images that morning; the JTWC upgraded VONGFONG into a category 3 typhoon at 8 am, and further into category 4 six hours later.

VONGFONG continued to intensify that night, as seen from the deepening of its central dense overcast. By 8 pm, satellite images revealed a ring of cloud top temperatures below -80 degrees within the eyewall. The storm reached its peak intensity during the first half of October 8, with an estimated strength of 155 knots (287 km/h) by the JTWC. This is the intensity corresponding to a Dvorak number of T7.5, and with this VONGFONG became the most intense tropical cyclone so far this year.

As VONGFONG reached the western edge of the subtropical ridge, it decelerated and poised for a poleward turn. Its eyewall warmed in the morning of October 8 and the intensity estimate was lowered to 145 knots (268 km/h), still above the lower limit for category 5. The HKO, however, believed that VONGFONG reached its peak strength that afternoon with an estimated intensity of 240 km/h (130 knots), which surpassed the 230 km/h reached by HALONG in August.

VONGFONG turned north on October 9. Its wind radii enlarged significantly at the same time, which enhanced the northeast monsoon prevailing near Taiwan. Rough seas stranded the Taiwanese research vessel Ocean Researcher V on October 10 near Penghu, resulting in 2 deaths as the vessel subsequently sank. VONGFONG could be seen exhibiting a double eyewall feature on October 9 and 10 as it weakened gradually. The subtropical ridge strengthened slightly at this time which caused VONGFONG to move NNW on October 11, impacting Okinawa as a minimal typhoon.

The subtropical ridge reorientated and placed VONGFONG at its northwestern periphery. As a result, the storm turned NE on October 12, making landfall near Kagoshima on October 13. It accelerated as it became embedded within the westerlies and crossed Japan along its major axis. It turned extratropical as it reached Tokyo and emerged into the Pacific Ocean again.

熱帶低氣壓 19W 於 10 月 2 日在波納佩島附近發展,初時為一東風波。它於 3 日增強為熱帶風暴,於當晚被命名為黃蜂。黃蜂沿副熱帶高壓脊西南部穩定向西北偏西移動。由於該區最近缺乏熱帶氣旋活動,黃蜂將經過非常溫暖的海域,因此一般預料黃蜂能增強至較可觀的強度。

黃蜂的風眼於 5 日開始發展,被升格為颱風。它於當天較後時間靠近關島,因高層大氣環境較差而變得略為鬆散。雖然如此,隨著大氣環境於 7 日改善,黃蜂急劇增強並向西移。當天早上風眼變得清晰可見,聯合颱風警報中心於早上 8 時將黃蜂升格為三級颱風,並於六小時後進一步升格為四級颱風。

黃蜂於當晚繼續增強,中心密集雲區變得更為深厚,下午 8 時之衛星雲圖可見眼牆中有一環狀區域,其雲頂溫度低至 -80 度以下。風暴於 8 日早段到達巔峰強度,聯合颱風警報中心估計為 155 節 (每小時 287 公里),此為德沃夏克分析法中 T 指數 7.5 之對應強度,黃蜂亦成為本年至此最猛烈的熱帶氣旋。

隨著黃蜂到達副高西沿,它開始減速並呈北轉之勢。它的眼牆於 8 日早上開始變暖,強度跌至仍屬五級超級颱風的 145 節 (每小時 268 公里)。另一邊廂,香港天文台認為黃蜂當天下午到達其巔峰強度,風速為每小時 240 公里 (130 節),超越 8 月時夏浪所達的每小時 230 公里。

黃蜂於 9 日轉向北移,而其風圈開始明顯擴大,令台灣一帶的東北季候風加強。台灣研究船「海研五號」於 10 日因大浪擱淺沉沒,造成兩位研究員死亡。黃蜂於 9 及 10 日出現雙重眼壁結構,風暴逐漸減弱。副高於此時稍為增強,令黃蜂於 11 日向西北偏北移動,以颱風下限強度掠過沖繩島。

副高的型態其後有所改變,令黃蜂處於其西北沿,因此黃蜂於 12 日轉向東北移動,並於 13 日在鹿兒島一帶登陸。黃蜂隨後併入西風帶並加速,沿日本主軸線推進,並於靠近東京前後轉化為溫帶氣旋,繼而重新進入太平洋。

Figures 圖片

Figure 1 - Steering flow chart at 8 am October 8. VONGFONG was about to turn north.
圖 1 - 10 月
8 日上午 8 時之駛流圖,可見黃蜂即將北轉

Figure 2 - Intensities and forecast tracks from different agencies on October 8
圖 2 - 10 月 8 日各氣象機構之強度估計及路徑預測

Figure 3 - JTWC's forecast called for further intensification to 165 knots (which did not materialize)
圖 3 - 聯合颱風警報中心曾預測黃蜂將進一步增強至 165 節,但最終沒有實現

Figures 4a and 4b - Satellite images showing VONGFONG at peak intensity
圖 4a 及 4b -

Figure 5 - VONGFONG's wind field as it hits Okinawa. Note its very wide wind radius.
圖 5 -

Figure 6 - JMA's estimated wind radii and forecast track on October 11. Its 30-knot wind area almost covered the northern tip of Taiwan.
圖 6 -
日本氣象廳於 10 月 11 日所估計的風圈及路徑圖,黃蜂的 30 節風速區幾乎覆蓋台灣東北角

Figure 7 - Radar image of VONGFONG as it passes Okinawa
圖 7 - 黃蜂掠過沖繩島時之雷達圖

Other Data 其他數據

Table 1: Track data from HKWW:
表一 : 香港天氣觀測站之路徑資料

YYMMDDZZ Lat Long Wind
14100218 078N1605E 030
14100300 080N1597E 035
14100306 083N1586E 035
14100312 088N1576E 040
14100318 091N1563E 040
14100400 097N1551E 045
14100406 103N1541E 050
14100412 110N1530E 055
14100418 119N1517E 055
14100500 125N1499E 065
14100506 131N1484E 065
14100512 137N1467E 070
14100518 144N1451E 075
14100600 151N1433E 075
14100606 158N1413E 075
14100612 165N1398E 080
14100618 169N1380E 085
14100700 170N1365E 095
14100706 173N1352E 115
14100712 174N1342E 135
14100718 177N1332E 150
14100800 179N1322E 150
14100806 182N1315E 145
14100812 184N1309E 145
14100818 188N1304E 145
14100900 192N1300E 140
14100906 197N1299E 135
14100912 202N1295E 130
14100918 208N1294E 125
14101000 215N1294E 120
14101006 222N1293E 120
14101012 232N1293E 115
14101018 238N1289E 110
14101100 244N1288E 100
14101106 253N1286E 095
14101112 261N1284E 095
14101118 270N1280E 085
14101200 279N1274E 075
14101206 288N1271E 070
14101212 297N1275E 065
14101218 307N1287E 065
14101300 313N1303E 060
14101306 331N1329E 060
14101312 345N1358E 055
14101318 365N1397E 055

Table 2: Track data from JTWC:
表二 : 聯合颱風警報中心之路徑資料

ID       Name  YYMMDD ZZZZ  Lat    Long   Basin Wind Pres
19W   VONGFONG 141014 0000  39.1N  142.9E WPAC   35   996
19W VONGFONG 141013 1800 36.5N 139.1E WPAC 35 996
19W VONGFONG 141013 1200 34.5N 135.4E WPAC 40 993
19W VONGFONG 141013 0600 33.0N 132.7E WPAC 45 989
19W VONGFONG 141013 0000 31.6N 130.5E WPAC 50 985
19W VONGFONG 141012 1800 30.6N 128.5E WPAC 55 982
19W VONGFONG 141012 1800 30.6N 128.5E WPAC 55 982
19W VONGFONG 141012 1200 29.7N 127.6E WPAC 55 982
19W VONGFONG 141012 1200 29.7N 127.6E WPAC 55 982
19W VONGFONG 141012 0600 28.9N 127.1E WPAC 60 978
19W VONGFONG 141012 0600 28.9N 127.1E WPAC 60 978
19W VONGFONG 141012 0000 27.7N 127.3E WPAC 60 978
19W VONGFONG 141012 0000 27.7N 127.3E WPAC 60 978
19W VONGFONG 141011 1800 26.8N 127.8E WPAC 65 974
19W VONGFONG 141011 1800 26.8N 127.8E WPAC 65 974
19W VONGFONG 141011 1800 26.8N 127.8E WPAC 65 974
19W VONGFONG 141011 1200 26.1N 128.3E WPAC 75 967
19W VONGFONG 141011 1200 26.1N 128.3E WPAC 75 967
19W VONGFONG 141011 1200 26.1N 128.3E WPAC 75 967
19W VONGFONG 141011 0600 25.2N 128.6E WPAC 85 959
19W VONGFONG 141011 0600 25.2N 128.6E WPAC 85 959
19W VONGFONG 141011 0600 25.2N 128.6E WPAC 85 959
19W VONGFONG 141011 0000 24.4N 128.8E WPAC 100 948
19W VONGFONG 141011 0000 24.4N 128.8E WPAC 100 948
19W VONGFONG 141011 0000 24.4N 128.8E WPAC 100 948
19W VONGFONG 141010 1800 23.8N 129.0E WPAC 110 941
19W VONGFONG 141010 1800 23.8N 129.0E WPAC 110 941
19W VONGFONG 141010 1800 23.8N 129.0E WPAC 110 941
19W VONGFONG 141010 1200 23.1N 129.3E WPAC 115 937
19W VONGFONG 141010 1200 23.1N 129.3E WPAC 115 937
19W VONGFONG 141010 1200 23.1N 129.3E WPAC 115 937
19W VONGFONG 141010 0600 22.3N 129.3E WPAC 120 933
19W VONGFONG 141010 0600 22.3N 129.3E WPAC 120 933
19W VONGFONG 141010 0600 22.3N 129.3E WPAC 120 933
19W VONGFONG 141010 0000 21.5N 129.4E WPAC 125 929
19W VONGFONG 141010 0000 21.5N 129.4E WPAC 125 929
19W VONGFONG 141010 0000 21.5N 129.4E WPAC 125 929
19W VONGFONG 141009 1800 20.8N 129.4E WPAC 130 926
19W VONGFONG 141009 1800 20.8N 129.4E WPAC 130 926
19W VONGFONG 141009 1800 20.8N 129.4E WPAC 130 926
19W VONGFONG 141009 1200 20.2N 129.5E WPAC 130 926
19W VONGFONG 141009 1200 20.2N 129.5E WPAC 130 926
19W VONGFONG 141009 1200 20.2N 129.5E WPAC 130 926
19W VONGFONG 141009 0600 19.7N 129.8E WPAC 135 922
19W VONGFONG 141009 0600 19.7N 129.8E WPAC 135 922
19W VONGFONG 141009 0600 19.7N 129.8E WPAC 135 922
19W VONGFONG 141009 0000 19.1N 130.0E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141009 0000 19.1N 130.0E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141009 0000 19.1N 130.0E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141008 1800 18.8N 130.4E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141008 1800 18.8N 130.4E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141008 1800 18.8N 130.4E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141008 1200 18.5N 130.9E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141008 1200 18.5N 130.9E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141008 1200 18.5N 130.9E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141008 0600 18.1N 131.5E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141008 0600 18.1N 131.5E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141008 0600 18.1N 131.5E WPAC 145 914
19W VONGFONG 141008 0000 17.9N 132.2E WPAC 155 907
19W VONGFONG 141008 0000 17.9N 132.2E WPAC 155 907
19W VONGFONG 141008 0000 17.9N 132.2E WPAC 155 907
19W VONGFONG 141007 1800 17.6N 133.2E WPAC 155 907
19W VONGFONG 141007 1800 17.6N 133.2E WPAC 155 907
19W VONGFONG 141007 1800 17.6N 133.2E WPAC 155 907
19W VONGFONG 141007 1200 17.4N 134.1E WPAC 135 922
19W VONGFONG 141007 1200 17.4N 134.1E WPAC 135 922
19W VONGFONG 141007 1200 17.4N 134.1E WPAC 135 922
19W VONGFONG 141007 0600 17.3N 135.2E WPAC 125 929
19W VONGFONG 141007 0600 17.3N 135.2E WPAC 125 929
19W VONGFONG 141007 0600 17.3N 135.2E WPAC 125 929
19W VONGFONG 141007 0000 17.0N 136.5E WPAC 105 944
19W VONGFONG 141007 0000 17.0N 136.5E WPAC 105 944
19W VONGFONG 141007 0000 17.0N 136.5E WPAC 105 944
19W VONGFONG 141006 1800 16.7N 138.0E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 1800 16.7N 138.0E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 1800 16.7N 138.0E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 1200 16.6N 139.6E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 1200 16.6N 139.6E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 1200 16.6N 139.6E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 0600 15.9N 141.7E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 0600 15.9N 141.7E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 0600 15.9N 141.7E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 0000 15.1N 143.3E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 0000 15.1N 143.3E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141006 0000 15.1N 143.3E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141005 1800 14.4N 145.1E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141005 1800 14.4N 145.1E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141005 1800 14.4N 145.1E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141005 1200 13.8N 146.7E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141005 1200 13.8N 146.7E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141005 1200 13.8N 146.7E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141005 0600 13.3N 148.2E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141005 0600 13.3N 148.2E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141005 0600 13.3N 148.2E WPAC 90 956
19W VONGFONG 141005 0000 12.6N 149.9E WPAC 70 970
19W VONGFONG 141005 0000 12.6N 149.9E WPAC 70 970
19W VONGFONG 141005 0000 12.6N 149.9E WPAC 70 970
19W VONGFONG 141004 1800 11.9N 151.6E WPAC 65 974
19W VONGFONG 141004 1800 11.9N 151.6E WPAC 65 974
19W VONGFONG 141004 1200 11.1N 153.0E WPAC 65 974
19W VONGFONG 141004 1200 11.1N 153.0E WPAC 65 974
19W VONGFONG 141004 0600 10.4N 154.2E WPAC 65 974
19W VONGFONG 141004 0600 10.4N 154.2E WPAC 65 974
19W VONGFONG 141004 0000 9.7N 155.1E WPAC 55 982
19W VONGFONG 141004 0000 9.7N 155.1E WPAC 55 982
19W VONGFONG 141003 1800 9.1N 156.3E WPAC 45 989
19W VONGFONG 141003 1200 8.7N 157.5E WPAC 40 993
19W VONGFONG 141003 0600 8.3N 158.5E WPAC 35 996
19W VONGFONG 141003 0000 8.0N 159.5E WPAC 35 996
19W VONGFONG 141002 1800 7.8N 160.5E WPAC 30 1000
19W VONGFONG 141002 1200 7.4N 161.4E WPAC 25 1004
19W VONGFONG 141002 0600 7.0N 162.5E WPAC 20 1006
19W VONGFONG 141002 0000 6.5N 163.4E WPAC 20 1006
19W VONGFONG 141001 1800 5.9N 164.5E WPAC 20 1006
19W VONGFONG 141001 1200 5.3N 165.9E WPAC 15 1010
19W VONGFONG 141001 0600 5.1N 166.7E WPAC 15 1010
19W VONGFONG 141001 0000 4.9N 167.6E WPAC 15 1010
19W VONGFONG 140930 1800 4.6N 168.4E WPAC 15 1010
19W VONGFONG 140930 1200 4.2N 169.1E WPAC 15 1010

Last Accessed 最近訪問日期: Sun Sep 08 2024 12:34:51 HKT
Last Modified 最近修訂日期: Mon Jul 24 2023