TC Watch / 熱帶氣旋 > Selected TC Review / 重要熱帶氣旋回顧 > 201411W (HALONG 夏浪) [Refresh 更新]

201411W (HALONG 夏浪) - Profile 檔案

(Issued on December 7, 2014)
(於 2014 年 12 月 7 日發出)

Brief profile of HALONG 夏浪小檔案:

JTWC number 聯合颱風警報中心 (JTWC) 號碼 11W
International number 國際編號 1411
Period of existence 生存時期 (JTWC) 2014/07/28 14 HKT - 2014/08/10 20 HKT
Lifetime 壽命 (JTWC) 13.25 days 日
Maximum 1-minute wind (JTWC) JTWC 一分鐘平均最高中心風速 140 knots 節 (Category 5 Super Typhoon 五級超級颱風)
Minimum pressure (JTWC) JTWC 最低氣壓 918 hPa 百帕
Highest TC signal by HKO (if applicable)
N/A 不適用
Closest point of approach by HKO (if applicable)
香港天文台所示之最接近距離 (如適用)
N/A 不適用
Time of closest approach by HKO (if applicable)
香港天文台所示之最接近時間 (如適用)
N/A 不適用
Lowest pressure recorded at HKO (if applicable)
香港天文台錄得的最低氣壓 (如適用)
N/A 不適用

TC track from HKWW 本站的熱帶氣旋路徑圖:

TC Track

Past HKWW Bulletins on HALONG 本站有關夏浪的發佈

Please click here for bulletins on HALONG. 請按這裡

Storm Summary 氣旋摘要

Unless otherwise stated, all times below are in Hong Kong Standard Time (UTC+8)
除非特別註明,下文時間均為香港標準時間 (協調世界時加 8 小時)

HALONG is the first typhoon to reach category 5 in the northwest Pacific this year.

The system developed to the southeast of Guam, and became tropical depression 11W on July 28. It strengthened quickly into a tropical storm and further into a severe tropical storm the next day as spiraling convective bands became apparent. The JMA upgraded 11W into a tropical storm that afternoon and named it HALONG.

HALONG was moving WNW in the southern periphery of the subtropical ridge. However, the steering force was rather weak and the storm did not gain much speed throughout its westward journey across the Pacific. The storm neared Guam on July 30 and its circulation centre was captured on radar. Vertical wind shear increased that day and convections in HALONG's northern semicircle were sheared away, exposing its low-level circulation centre. It momentarily weakened into a tropical storm on July 31, before the shear lessened and allowed the storm to maintain convections.

The storm dipped south briefly on August 1 as it reorganized itself, before tracking back to 15°N and maintaining a westward motion. Rapid deepening occurred during the night of August 1; a deep central dense overcast formed within the small hours of August 2 and by that morning a clear eye emerged. Its strength increased from 55 knots (102 km/h) at 8 am August 1 to 100 knots (185 km/h) a day later, according to JTWC estimates.

HALONG continued to intensify on August 2 and reached category 5 intensity at 2 am the next day. Its intensity peaked at 140 knots (259 km/h) using JTWC estimate, or 230 km/h (125 knots) estimated by the HKO. This intensity did not last long though, as HALONG entered an eyewall replacement cycle that night. It weakened into a category 4 super typhoon as the inner eyewall shrank in size.

At that time, the subtropical ridge was eroded by a passing mid-latitude trough. This allowed HALONG to turn poleward gradually as it reached 130°E. It further weakened into a category 2 typhoon, and maintained this intensity for the next couple of days. The ridge did not break down and HALONG tracked north along its western periphery. It tracked across the seas east of the Ryukyu Islands and weakened into category 1 on August 9. It made landfall at Shikoku on August 10 and spent a few hours in Honshu before entering the Sea of Japan later that day. HALONG finally became an extratropical cyclone on August 11 in the northern sections of the Sea.


該系統於關島東南發展,於 7 月 28 日增強為熱帶低氣壓 11W。11W 迅速發展,翌日螺旋雲帶變得明顯,風暴增強為強烈熱帶風暴。日本氣象廳於當天下午升格 11W 為熱帶風暴,並將其命名為夏浪。

夏浪沿副熱帶高壓脊南部向西北偏西移動,但由於流場較弱,風暴於太平洋西移時速度偏慢。風暴於 30 日靠近關島,其環流中心被當地雷達拍下。垂直風切變於當天增強,夏浪北半圓的對流被切離,令其低層環流中心外露。夏浪於 31 日曾減弱為熱帶風暴,隨後風切放緩,對流再次發展。

風暴於 8 月 1 日重整時略為南移,其後回歸北緯 15 度,並大致向西移動。它於 1 日晚開始快速增強,其中心密集雲區於 2 日凌晨形成,風眼於清晨出現。聯合颱風警報中心估計夏浪的強度由 1 日早上 8 時的 55 節 (每小時 102 公里) 逐步調高至一天後的 100 節 (每小時 185 公里)。

夏浪於 2 日繼續增強,並於 3 日凌晨 2 時被升格為五級超級颱風,聯合颱風警報中心及香港天文台的估計強度分別為 140 節 (每小時 259 公里) 及每小時 230 公里 (125 節)。夏浪於當晚進入眼牆置換周期,隨著其內眼壁縮小,風暴減弱至四級超級颱風強度。

當時副高被一西風槽侵蝕,夏浪於到達東經 130 度時逐漸轉向北上。它減弱為二級颱風,並於隨後數天維持強度。由於副高並未完全東退,夏浪沿其西部向北移,掠過琉球群島以東海域,並於 9 日減弱為一級颱風。夏浪於 10 日在日本四國登陸,之後橫過本州,於當天較後時間進入日本海。它最終於 11 日在日本海北部轉化為溫帶氣旋。

Figures 圖片

Figures 1a and 1b - Steering flow charts at 8 am August 2 and 7
圖 1a 及 1b -
8 月 2 及 7 日上午 8 時之駛流圖

Figure 2 - HALONG approaching Guam with storm force winds
圖 2 - 夏浪靠近關島,其中心

Figure 3 - HALONG's circulation centre as captured by radar at Guam
圖 3 - 關島的雷達圖顯示夏浪

Figure 4 - HALONG at peak intensity (140 knots)
圖 4 - 夏浪到達巔峰強度 (140 節

Figure 5 - Forecast tracks and estimated intensities from different agencies on August 3
圖 5 - 8 月 3 日

Figure 6 - HALONG crossing Honshu as it underwent extratropical transition
圖 6 - 夏浪橫過本州時正進行溫帶氣旋轉化

Other Data 其他數據

Table 1: Track data from HKWW:
表一 : 香港天氣觀測站之路徑資料

YYMMDDZZ Lat Long Wind
14072812 120N1498E 025
14072818 120N1489E 030
14072900 124N1482E 040
14072906 128N1479E 050
14072912 135N1472E 055
14072918 137N1465E 055
14073000 139N1453E 050
14073006 142N1444E 050
14073012 142N1438E 050
14073018 145N1430E 050
14073100 150N1420E 045
14073106 153N1411E 045
14073112 150N1407E 050
14073118 147N1396E 050
14080100 142N1392E 055
14080106 146N1386E 060
14080112 149N1378E 060
14080118 149N1370E 070
14080200 149N1365E 090
14080206 150N1357E 110
14080212 150N1351E 130
14080218 151N1346E 140
14080300 152N1339E 140
14080306 157N1330E 140
14080312 158N1322E 130
14080318 162N1314E 125
14080400 165N1307E 115
14080406 170N1304E 105
14080412 175N1299E 100
14080418 183N1298E 095
14080500 192N1298E 090
14080506 200N1298E 090
14080512 209N1300E 090
14080518 217N1302E 090
14080600 224N1304E 090
14080606 231N1307E 095
14080612 236N1311E 095
14080618 242N1313E 095
14080700 249N1317E 095
14080706 258N1316E 095
14080712 263N1317E 095
14080718 268N1315E 090
14080800 273N1315E 085
14080806 282N1316E 085
14080812 287N1316E 085
14080818 294N1319E 080
14080900 304N1323E 080
14080906 313N1325E 075
14080912 322N1329E 075
14080918 330N1333E 070
14081000 342N1343E 070
14081006 363N1359E 065
14081012 389N1368E 060
14081018 412N1373E 060
14081100 435N1370E 055

Table 2: Track data from JTWC:
表二 : 聯合颱風警報中心之路徑資料

ID       Name  YYMMDD ZZZZ  Lat    Long   Basin Wind Pres
11W     HALONG 140810 1200  38.5N  136.5E WPAC   40   993
11W HALONG 140810 0600 36.3N 135.6E WPAC 45 989
11W HALONG 140810 0000 34.1N 134.3E WPAC 50 985
11W HALONG 140810 0000 34.1N 134.3E WPAC 50 985
11W HALONG 140809 1800 33.0N 133.4E WPAC 60 978
11W HALONG 140809 1800 33.0N 133.4E WPAC 60 978
11W HALONG 140809 1200 32.4N 133.0E WPAC 60 978
11W HALONG 140809 1200 32.4N 133.0E WPAC 60 978
11W HALONG 140809 0600 31.4N 132.6E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140809 0600 31.4N 132.6E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140809 0600 31.4N 132.6E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140809 0000 30.2N 132.2E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140809 0000 30.2N 132.2E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140809 0000 30.2N 132.2E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140808 1800 29.4N 131.8E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140808 1800 29.4N 131.8E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140808 1800 29.4N 131.8E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140808 1200 28.7N 131.6E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140808 1200 28.7N 131.6E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140808 1200 28.7N 131.6E WPAC 70 970
11W HALONG 140808 0600 28.2N 131.6E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140808 0600 28.2N 131.6E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140808 0600 28.2N 131.6E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140808 0000 27.3N 131.6E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140808 0000 27.3N 131.6E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140808 0000 27.3N 131.6E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140807 1800 26.8N 131.6E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140807 1800 26.8N 131.6E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140807 1800 26.8N 131.6E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140807 1200 26.3N 131.7E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140807 1200 26.3N 131.7E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140807 1200 26.3N 131.7E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140807 0600 25.8N 131.7E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140807 0600 25.8N 131.7E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140807 0600 25.8N 131.7E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140807 0000 25.0N 131.6E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140807 0000 25.0N 131.6E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140807 0000 25.0N 131.6E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140806 1800 24.2N 131.4E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140806 1800 24.2N 131.4E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140806 1800 24.2N 131.4E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140806 1200 23.6N 131.1E WPAC 85 959
11W HALONG 140806 1200 23.6N 131.1E WPAC 85 959
11W HALONG 140806 1200 23.6N 131.1E WPAC 85 959
11W HALONG 140806 0600 23.1N 130.6E WPAC 85 959
11W HALONG 140806 0600 23.1N 130.6E WPAC 85 959
11W HALONG 140806 0600 23.1N 130.6E WPAC 85 959
11W HALONG 140806 0000 22.4N 130.4E WPAC 80 963
11W HALONG 140806 0000 22.4N 130.4E WPAC 80 963
11W HALONG 140806 0000 22.4N 130.4E WPAC 80 963
11W HALONG 140805 1800 21.8N 130.3E WPAC 80 963
11W HALONG 140805 1800 21.8N 130.3E WPAC 80 963
11W HALONG 140805 1800 21.8N 130.3E WPAC 80 963
11W HALONG 140805 1200 21.0N 130.0E WPAC 85 959
11W HALONG 140805 1200 21.0N 130.0E WPAC 85 959
11W HALONG 140805 1200 21.0N 130.0E WPAC 85 959
11W HALONG 140805 0600 20.0N 129.7E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140805 0600 20.0N 129.7E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140805 0600 20.0N 129.7E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140805 0000 19.2N 129.8E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140805 0000 19.2N 129.8E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140805 0000 19.2N 129.8E WPAC 90 956
11W HALONG 140804 1800 18.2N 129.9E WPAC 95 952
11W HALONG 140804 1800 18.2N 129.9E WPAC 95 952
11W HALONG 140804 1800 18.2N 129.9E WPAC 95 952
11W HALONG 140804 1200 17.5N 130.1E WPAC 100 948
11W HALONG 140804 1200 17.5N 130.1E WPAC 100 948
11W HALONG 140804 1200 17.5N 130.1E WPAC 100 948
11W HALONG 140804 0600 17.0N 130.4E WPAC 105 944
11W HALONG 140804 0600 17.0N 130.4E WPAC 105 944
11W HALONG 140804 0600 17.0N 130.4E WPAC 105 944
11W HALONG 140804 0000 16.7N 130.7E WPAC 115 937
11W HALONG 140804 0000 16.7N 130.7E WPAC 115 937
11W HALONG 140804 0000 16.7N 130.7E WPAC 115 937
11W HALONG 140803 1800 16.2N 131.4E WPAC 130 926
11W HALONG 140803 1800 16.2N 131.4E WPAC 130 926
11W HALONG 140803 1800 16.2N 131.4E WPAC 130 926
11W HALONG 140803 1200 15.8N 132.3E WPAC 130 926
11W HALONG 140803 1200 15.8N 132.3E WPAC 130 926
11W HALONG 140803 1200 15.8N 132.3E WPAC 130 926
11W HALONG 140803 0600 15.7N 133.0E WPAC 135 922
11W HALONG 140803 0600 15.7N 133.0E WPAC 135 922
11W HALONG 140803 0600 15.7N 133.0E WPAC 135 922
11W HALONG 140803 0000 15.2N 133.9E WPAC 140 918
11W HALONG 140803 0000 15.2N 133.9E WPAC 140 918
11W HALONG 140803 0000 15.2N 133.9E WPAC 140 918
11W HALONG 140802 1800 15.1N 134.6E WPAC 140 918
11W HALONG 140802 1800 15.1N 134.6E WPAC 140 918
11W HALONG 140802 1800 15.1N 134.6E WPAC 140 918
11W HALONG 140802 1200 15.0N 135.0E WPAC 135 922
11W HALONG 140802 1200 15.0N 135.0E WPAC 135 922
11W HALONG 140802 1200 15.0N 135.0E WPAC 135 922
11W HALONG 140802 0600 14.9N 135.7E WPAC 115 937
11W HALONG 140802 0600 14.9N 135.7E WPAC 115 937
11W HALONG 140802 0600 14.9N 135.7E WPAC 115 937
11W HALONG 140802 0000 14.9N 136.4E WPAC 100 946
11W HALONG 140802 0000 14.9N 136.4E WPAC 100 946
11W HALONG 140802 0000 14.9N 136.4E WPAC 100 946
11W HALONG 140801 1800 14.9N 136.9E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140801 1800 14.9N 136.9E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140801 1800 14.9N 136.9E WPAC 75 967
11W HALONG 140801 1200 14.9N 137.9E WPAC 60 978
11W HALONG 140801 1200 14.9N 137.9E WPAC 60 978
11W HALONG 140801 0600 14.7N 138.6E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140801 0600 14.7N 138.6E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140801 0000 14.5N 139.2E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140801 0000 14.5N 139.2E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140731 1800 14.7N 139.7E WPAC 50 985
11W HALONG 140731 1200 14.9N 140.3E WPAC 50 985
11W HALONG 140731 0600 15.0N 141.1E WPAC 45 989
11W HALONG 140731 0000 14.9N 141.9E WPAC 45 989
11W HALONG 140730 1800 14.6N 142.9E WPAC 45 989
11W HALONG 140730 1200 14.3N 143.7E WPAC 50 985
11W HALONG 140730 0600 14.2N 144.5E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140730 0600 14.2N 144.5E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140730 0000 13.9N 145.4E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140730 0000 13.9N 145.4E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140729 1800 13.7N 146.2E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140729 1800 13.7N 146.2E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140729 1200 13.6N 147.2E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140729 1200 13.6N 147.2E WPAC 55 982
11W HALONG 140729 0900 13.3N 147.7E WPAC 50 985
11W HALONG 140729 0600 12.8N 148.0E WPAC 50 985
11W HALONG 140729 0000 12.4N 148.4E WPAC 45 989
11W HALONG 140728 1800 12.0N 148.9E WPAC 35 996
11W HALONG 140728 1200 11.8N 149.5E WPAC 30 1000
11W HALONG 140728 0600 11.9N 150.2E WPAC 25 1004
11W HALONG 140728 0000 12.1N 150.6E WPAC 20 1006
11W HALONG 140727 1800 12.3N 151.3E WPAC 15 1007
11W HALONG 140727 1200 12.3N 152.4E WPAC 15 1005
11W HALONG 140727 0600 12.0N 153.3E WPAC 15 1005
11W HALONG 140727 0000 11.7N 153.9E WPAC 15 1010

Last Accessed 最近訪問日期: Sun Sep 08 2024 12:42:55 HKT
Last Modified 最近修訂日期: Mon Jul 24 2023