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Active Tropical Cyclone(s) 正活躍之熱帶氣旋

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Tropical Cyclone Report 熱帶氣旋報告

1. 14W

Justification for reissuance: Changed #2 to final bulletin
修正發佈原因: 更改 #2 至最後發佈

Name of System 系統名稱 TD 14W 熱帶低氣壓 14W
Bulletin Number 發佈編號 #2C FINAL BULLETIN 最後發佈
Time of Report 報告時間 2007/09/21, 23:10 HKT (15:10 UTC)
Time of Observation 觀測時間 2007/09/21, 14 HKT (06 UTC)
Position 位置 16.0 N, 134.5 E
1-min. Average Wind Speed 1分鐘平均風速 30 knots 節 (Gusts 陣風: 40 knots 節)
10-min. Average Wind Speed 10分鐘平均風速 (No Data 沒有資料)
Pressure (JMA) 氣壓 (日本氣象廳) 1000 hPa (JTWC)
Movement 移向和移速 300 deg 度 (WNW 西北偏西), 11 knots 節
Area(s) that will be affected 受影響地區 N/A

Forecast Track 預測路徑圖
Overview 總覽
Other images 其他圖像
HKO Satellite 香港天文台衛星圖

14W showed no signs of strengthening in the past 24 hours, moving NW in general. At 06 UTC, 14W was centred 1450 km (780 NM) E of Manila.

14W 在過去 24 小時大致向西北移動,但未有增強的跡象。於 06 UTC,14W 集結於馬尼拉以東約 1450 公里 (780 海里)。

Movement Analysis 路徑分析

The system will be gradually steered by the subtropical ridge anchored SE of Japan and will turn into a WNW direction.

此系統將逐漸受該副熱帶高壓脊影響 (在其西南部) 而轉為向西北偏西方向移動

Intensity Analysis 強度分析

14W had a T-number of 1.5 at 06 UTC that translates to maximum wind speed of 25 knots (tropical depression). Recent analyses showed that there is a possibility that 14W will never develop any further due to the interaction between 14W and a broad cyclonic circulation (95W) west of it. From satellite imagery, it seems that 14W has become part of the circulation of 95W and the competition of water vapour has been prohibiting 14W from strengthening. This bulletin favours the outcome that 14W will eventually be dominated by 95W and thus a weakening of the system is expected in 24 hours.

在 08 UTC14W 的T號碼為1.5即 25 節的風速 (熱帶低氣壓)。最新分析指出 14W 正跟在其西部的一個熱帶擾動 95W 互相影響,而兩個系統正互相爭奪水氣,這將繼續妨礙 14W 的發展。從衛星雲圖看來,14W 似乎逐漸變成 95W 環流的一部分。本預報傾向預計 14W 將會被 95W 支配而減弱

Effects on Hong Kong 對香港的影響

No threat to Hong Kong is expected within the next 72 hours.

14W 於未來的72小時將不會對香港構成任何影響

Next Update 下次更新

This is the final bulletin on 14W.

這是本站對 14W 的最後一次發佈

Past Bulletins (click on the bulletin no. for the contents) 過往報告 (請按發佈編號顯示內容)

+14W Bulletin 發佈 #1 (2007/09/20, 23:00 HKT)

Name of System 系統名稱 TD 14W 熱帶低氣壓 14W
Bulletin Number 發佈編號 #1
Time of Report 報告時間 2007/09/20, 23:00 HKT (15:00 UTC)
Time of Observation 觀測時間 2007/09/20, 20 HKT (12 UTC)
Position 位置 13.7 N, 136.9 E
1-min. Average Wind Speed 1分鐘平均風速 30 knots 節 (Gusts 陣風: 40 knots 節)
10-min. Average Wind Speed 10分鐘平均風速 (No Data 沒有資料)
Pressure (JMA) 氣壓 (日本氣象廳) 1000 hPa (JTWC)
Movement 移向和移速 340 deg 度 (NNW 西北偏北), 11 knots 節
Area(s) that will be affected 受影響地區 N/A

Forecast Track 預測路徑圖
Overview 總覽
Other images 其他圖像
HKO Satellite 香港天文台衛星圖

JTWC upgraded a disturbance east of the Philippine Sea into a tropical depression tonight and it was given a temporary number 14W. At 12 UTC, 14W was centred 1710 km (930 NM) E of Manila.

聯合颱風警報中心於 12 UTC 把在菲律賓海東部的一個熱帶擾動升格為一熱帶低氣壓,並給予臨時編號 14W。於 12 UTC,14W 集結於馬尼拉以東約 1710 公里 (930 海里)。

Movement Analysis 路徑分析

Due to the southern extension of the broad subtropical ridge, 14W is currenly moving northwards with a small western component. It is expected that when 14W continues to move northward, it will be gradually steered by the subtropical ridge anchored SE of Japan and thus will turn into a more westerly direction.

受到副熱帶高壓脊南部的延伸部分之影響,14W 於過去 24 小時向北移動。預料隨著 14W 北移,它將逐漸受該副熱帶高壓脊影響 (在其西南部) 而轉為向偏西方向移動。

Intensity Analysis 強度分析

14W had a T-number of 1.5 at 08 UTC that translates to maximum wind speed of 25 knots (tropical depression). It is expected that 14W will gradually intensify as it encounters warm sea surface temperatures and low vertical wind shear.

在 08 UTC14W 的T號碼為1.5即 25 節的風速 (熱帶低氣壓)14W 將於溫暖的海水及逐漸移至較弱垂直風切變的環境下逐步增強

Effects on Hong Kong 對香港的影響

No threat to Hong Kong is expected within the next 72 hours.

14W 於未來的72小時將不會對香港構成任何影響

Next Update 下次更新

23 HKT, 2007/09/21 (or earlier 或更早)

Last Accessed 最近訪問日期: Sun Sep 08 2024 11:02:44 HKT
Last Modified 最近修訂日期: Mon Jul 24 2023